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  1. borntohuntforcedtowork

    New member!

    Thank you sir!
  2. borntohuntforcedtowork

    New member!

    Hello all! I'm an old new member to the slide that loves hunting. Look forward getting my privileges so I can talk and learn.
  3. borntohuntforcedtowork

    Just another fng

    Welcome aboard. I'm new too trying to get privileges. Lol!
  4. borntohuntforcedtowork


    I like the Beretta silver pigeon myself.
  5. borntohuntforcedtowork

    2022 ELK MEAT POLE

    Congrats to everyone and there elk!
  6. borntohuntforcedtowork

    WWRD Model 7

    Nothing like the good ole model seven. Best all around hunting rifle in my opinion.
  7. borntohuntforcedtowork

    2022 Idaho Muley Buck

    Congrats on a great muley!