Wife says she wants to go "somewhere" for her Birthday (week before Christmas).
First thought was where can I hunt in December thats not here and entertain my wife
at the same time.
Thinking about Boise for Upland birds / maybe Waterfowl?
Would appreciate any tips, hints, do's-dont's, whats and...
I have one I ordered from TenkaraBum.
Cool little rod, super packable.
I think it weighs 1 ounce and maybe 8ft.
I dont remember the model but it's been discontinued.
Broke a tip once and they still had some spare parts.
Love catching bluegill using black ant flies.
Got to the point that I eat most of my deer as jerky.
Sliced thin, pounded with a tenderizer hammer.
Marinated in Moore's or Dale's and put on the dehydrator.