Search results

  1. ElGuapo

    When is a buck acceptable to shoot to preserve the deer herd? Should everybody be a trophy hunter? (Montana Rut thread carryover)

    I have no issue with any hunter shooting whatever buck is legal, and they so choose…. With only 1 exception: Mule Deer hunters that are “Trophy hunting”, for the first 5 days, of their 6 day hunt, and then shooting a yearling buck on the last day, because they can’t stand the thought of not...
  2. ElGuapo

    New World Record

    I watched them measure it, at the Sheep show. Unbelievably impressive goat. The big ones really do LOOK big.
  3. ElGuapo

    If you wanted a big elk?

    White Mountain Rez #1 Mescalero Rez #2 Both you will hunt peak rut with a rifle, and a 330+ would be almost certain. A CWMU tag in Utah would be 3rd IMO, during Sept. The magic of Elk hunting is in Sept. IMO. I don’t really get excited about them later in the fall. Best of luck to you
  4. ElGuapo

    Which State to Build NR PPs for Deer/Elk

    Aside from the recommendation to hunt hogs (Great advice)…. The rest of this is pure non-sense. There’s more opportunity than you have time, or money to hunt (most likely). Dig a little……
  5. ElGuapo

    Which State to Build NR PPs for Deer/Elk

    I’ve been in the point game for 10 years. I completely disagree with the blanket damnation of the points system. I’ve drawn many tags based on having a few points, and knowing when I can draw. I think some guys think without the system, that somehow they would draw more tags without points...
  6. ElGuapo

    Let’s see some cougar mounts

    Colorado Cat
  7. ElGuapo

    Best bear outfitters/state

    Their pricing is absolutely ludicrous……
  8. ElGuapo

    Idaho Tag Site Already Crashed

    I got 28,234….. Is that good?
  9. ElGuapo

    WTB Leica binoculars

    I have a pair of 10X42 Ultravid HD+ that I would consider selling.
  10. ElGuapo

    Building Arrows; It’s not Complicated

    People gather in virtual places like this to trade ideas, and communicate with like-minded folks. We are in a tiny minority, so there’s value here. Bring value to a conversation, or move on. Crapping on each other isn’t productive for anyone. I wish you and your family the best!
  11. ElGuapo

    Building Arrows; It’s not Complicated

    Honesty is refreshing…. Best of luck in life
  12. ElGuapo

    Building Arrows; It’s not Complicated

    Are you an A$$-hat Douche in real life, or just on the internet, tough guy?
  13. ElGuapo

    Building Arrows; It’s not Complicated

    Tuning each arrow, bare shaft, and nock tuning….. Then fletching when each arrow is indexed absolutely fixed my issues with inconsistent flight with Fixed blade broadheads. It really showed me how much fletching hides imperfections in arrow flight. I think a lot of dudes would be surprised...
  14. ElGuapo

    Decision is IN!! Shoulder Mount or Euro Mount?

    What value are you bringing to the conversation, other than to flex your own muscles? You probably should have passed instead of shooting in the first place.
  15. ElGuapo

    Sold New Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44 Illuminated $750tyd

    I’ll take it. Send me a PM with your info, and we can connect.
  16. ElGuapo

    Swarovski disappointment.

    You should go back to Mediocre glass with the “Best warranty in the industry”. I’ll buy your EL’s for the price you pay for the Vortex, broken and all…
  17. ElGuapo

    6.5 CM for a once in a lifetime Oryx hunt. Give it to me straight

    How many guys have killed them that are giving out all this advice? Unless you’ve put a couple of them down, how would anyone have any idea about this subject. I’ve killed 4, hit and lost 1. I’ve also been along on 4 others for reference. If you are very recoil sensitive, and can’t shoot...
  18. ElGuapo

    6.5 CM for a once in a lifetime Oryx hunt. Give it to me straight

    I’ve shot multiple, and I wouldn’t use less than a 30, but I’m a bigger caliber guy anyway. They’re damn tough. I’d take a 30-06 over that Coyote rifle all day every day. Good luck
  19. ElGuapo

    Odd Question: Anyone Enjoy a Good Kicking Gun Like Me?

    I HATE brakes…. I thought I was the only one left on earth. I’ll take Recoil over muzzle blast all day every day
  20. ElGuapo

    Am buying a home with a view in Reno. Living the dream, boys.

    Welcome! I’m a pretty new transplant myself. Reach out when you get settled, and we can make introductions. I think people still do that……