Search results

  1. J

    Tikka T3x Lite barrel diameter 300 WSM 18”/20”/22”

    How's the velocities looking I wanna chop mine n trying to decide what length
  2. J

    300 WSM Barrel Length Help

    Have a t3x ss lite in 300wsm trying to decide on what length to get the barrel cut 20 21 or 21.5 mainly be used in blind and woods longest shot might be 250?? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!!!
  3. J

    Tikka T3X rings

    Anyone got any suggestion for rings for atikka t3x running a black hound 3-18x50 it's a 34mm tube will I need high rings or will low or medium work???
  4. J

    Tikka T3x roughtech ember

    Won a brand new T3x stainless lite 300wsm for 655 on gunbroker after taxes and ffl transfer fee 760 then got the ember stock off ebay for 200 and a atlasworks silver trigger guard for 125 adds up cheaper than buying the roughtek ember straight up.
  5. J

    Atlasworxs Bottom Metal

    They answered me pretty quick a few hours on my question about replacing the silver bolt knob with the stainless one on the trigger guard package.
  6. J

    Scope Base and Rings for Tikka T3x Lite Stainless

    What moa is the rail??