What do you carry in your possibles bag for a day hunt? A week hunt? What do you use as a possibles bag?
I keep it simple. I have an ambidextrous rifle butt pouch that I keep two speed loaders, a dozen 209s, a primer tool, a couple patches, a spare bullet or two, and a backup size 60 scalpel...
I'm becoming more and more fond of the 13cm boning knife.
Depends on the hunt. My back yard? Full rifle, and an ammo wallet (4-6 rounds depending on cartridge). Travel/pack hunts, 20 in the truck, and 20 minus rifle capacity in a pack.
I make the chart in excel (or sometimes autocad), sized to an businesses card template, and laser print double sided, usually on a subdued paper, like rite in the rain tan. Close range dope on front, long on the back. I laminate into a luggage tag holder, and ziptie the relevant tag to my range...