It's this one and it's on sale.*5slc4j*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwufq2BhAmEiwAnZqw8hrhYghJ1CfNlG_5kKz1_1P2C-Dj5L9J6tnW5wwHNx6IgTpGGL_mmxoCLJEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
I'm a huge fan of the HNT. If it only looked good but wasn't functional than there'd be no point in it but I love everything it offers. In cold weather it doesn't get cold, it doesn't take up much space with the folding stock, and the ergonomics are so damn well thought out (at least for me)...
I've done this too, the whole opening your mouth thing to move your peep down slightly. It works if you have a solid, repeatable anchor. I just don't do it because I think I look silly lol