Search results

  1. AlpineBeard

    How do I make my goat taste better?

    My goat ad great flavor but very tough like you say…. I used the crock pot for all of it! So GOOD!
  2. AlpineBeard

    Kyrgyzstan Ibex Success

    So amazing! Well done!
  3. AlpineBeard

    Where do we draw a line in the sand with prices?

    I don’t disagree with you generally. I draw the line myself by buying the best gear per dollar and therefore non of it is camouflage. I would like to get some of the gear that’s actually for hunting particularly the rain gear because some of it is much quieter than what I’m using now. I hunt...
  4. AlpineBeard

    Where do we draw a line in the sand with prices?

    That’s the free market… it’s a good thing. You have seen their prices get out of control leaving the door open for you (or someone like you) to do exactly as you said and steal the market share. Years ago it was a MUCH worse situation because there has been top notch gear on the market for a...
  5. AlpineBeard

    30-06 limitations or does it not have the “cool factor”

    You are absolutely correct! I think a lot of the performance of these new “sexy” cartridges has a lot to do with new powders available. When the 308 was introduced it was very close in performance to a 30-06 considering its reduced capacity. With powders available today this is no longer the...
  6. AlpineBeard

    New from western WA

    Glad you guys enjoyed the pic. I’m very lucky to hunt some of the most beautiful country… unfortunately the game management here is atrocious!
  7. AlpineBeard

    Science of buck fever

    Buck fever is a great way to determine what types of game to spend your time on. I’ve been at it since the age of 10 so I don’t get buck fever to the point that it’s difficult to execute a good shot, but some game gets the blood flowing and others don’t at all. I’ve prioritized my hunting based...
  8. AlpineBeard

    Let's See Your Semi-Custom Tikka Builds

    From Benchmark Barrels.
  9. AlpineBeard

    What would cause a rifle to shoot this poorly?

    Lots of good ideas in here. Also… Firing pin springs that loose their punch can lead to inconsistent primer ignition and cause poor accuracy at times.
  10. AlpineBeard

    Let's See Your Semi-Custom Tikka Builds

    My go-to blacktail rifle. 270 win, 23” benchmark barrel, Benchmark Ibex Stock. Titanium muzzle brake.
  11. AlpineBeard

    2022 Blacktail Bucks

    Awesome work Brushape! Well earned! It’s very rewarding to pass good bucks to get better ones. I’ve done the same to get some of my best bucks… I’ve also passed big bucks and had tag soup and was happy to do so. Lol.
  12. AlpineBeard

    2022 Blacktail Bucks

    What a great buck! I couldn’t agree more! Every area is different in terms of genetic potential. You got a primed out buck there… what a treat! It’s fun to see some of the massive bucks in this thread and others. I definitely don’t compare my bucks against some of the monsters coming out of...
  13. AlpineBeard

    2022 Blacktail Bucks

  14. AlpineBeard

    2022 Blacktail Bucks

    Ya, I measured before and I believe theres only 1.75” between his bases! A tooth has been sent in. In the areas I hunt it looks like 6-8 year old bucks are usually prime and they start to decline in the antler department, usually adding mass still but the frame gets progressively smaller...
  15. AlpineBeard

    2022 Blacktail Bucks

    Thanks, he was a pig. Here’s a better pic of the bases and a velvet pic.
  16. AlpineBeard

    Washington State

    Wa has become a primo destination for predator hunting. The states department of fish and game has been very good about ensuring predator populations for years to come. Please enjoy the bear and cougar hunting especially!
  17. AlpineBeard

    High Country Gear Recommendations/Q’s

    I totally agree with this. I will add that wearing shoes without ankle support as much as you can will help prevent injuries all year long as they allow movement required to strengthen your ankles and feet to a degree that is not possible in a taller boot. Having your ankle immobile makes knee...
  18. AlpineBeard

    New from western WA

    New from western Wa. I’ve been hunting all my life, love backcountry hunting, hiking, shooting, racing cars… the usual stuff. I got the bug to do an ibex hunt and signed up so I can (eventually) PM some knowledgeable members on the subject. See you guys around
  19. AlpineBeard

    Any BT hunters in W WA?

    What kind of stories are you looking for in particular?… I’m assuming close range stuff since you are interested in archery. I haven’t done archery for BT yet (will if I draw multi season). I do scout almost year round, but you can over-scout an area, I’ve done it. I’ve taken more than a few...