My new scope is mounted and ready to go but I’m a little concerned about how close it is to the barrel. There is daylight between them but just barely! Having seen slo-mo videos of scopes and rifles flexing under recoil I don’t know if damage to either is a valid concern?
as others here have stated, it’s best to get proper rest so that you don’t risk your life or others. I had a very close family member die in an accident related to exactly this kind of scenario.
Ridiculous argument. A carpenter can go buy a new hammer if he somehow loses or breaks it on a job site. Your rifle or bow is large enough and presumably carried in a manner that you would immediately notice if you dropped it. If you fall or slip on the trail you could possibly lose an item...
How necessary or beneficial do you find illuminated reticles for big game hunting? I realize the answer can vary wildly depending on location, terrain, hunting style, etc. I am trying to decide on glass for a 22” .308 that will be used in New England and North-West Utah. I would be interested...
Thanks for the replies. I want to reiterate that I am not criticizing. I have seen guys take terrible shots at 30 yards and great shots at 500+ so it really boils down to the individual as far as I can tell.
Do many people out west really shoot deer or other game at 600+ yards? I have the right gear but can’t even imagine shooting at an animal beyond 300. Here in New England the woods are really thick and long shots are rare. Longest shot at a living animal for me was about 60 yards. I practice...