Search results

  1. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTB Sirui Tripod

  2. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTB Sirui Tripod

    Looking for a Sirui Tripod - Legs only - I already have a tripod head. Looking for something lightweight primarily used for backcountry and glassing while seated
  3. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTS Stone Glacier 206 Pant

    Best pant I own! GLWS
  4. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTB Lightweight Tripod

    I purchased a Sirui VA-5 head and need a good lightweight tripod to go with it. Most of my glassing will be sitting so I don’t need a tall tripod, just looking to save weight for back country trips. Hoping to keep it pretty budget friendly. Open to good suggestions on what you guys liked the...
  5. 307ArrowSlinger

    Merino Wool Smell

    I’ll have to look into that wash, thank you!
  6. 307ArrowSlinger

    Merino Wool Smell

    Glad I found this thread, I had no idea why my merino smelled funny when wet. I have about 6 SG merino pieces and they all have that smell when I sweat a lot or get rained on and right after a wash. Ive heard the grangers helps with it so I plan on trying that out next. Oddly enough I have never...
  7. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sold Sirui VA-5 Head

    Sent a PM
  8. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sold Sirui VA-5 Head

    Looking to buy a VA-5 tripod head. Also open to other tripod heads for backpack hunting
  9. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sitting Tripod for Glassing.

    Do you know what the total weight is of that setup?
  10. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sold Aoka 28” ultralight tripod

    Still available?
  11. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTS Razor HD Spotting Scope

    Would you sell the tripod separately?
  12. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTB Vortex Summit Carbon 2 Tripod

    Looking to buy a Summit Carbon 2 tripod, feel free to reach out
  13. 307ArrowSlinger

    Tripod recommendation

    Great review! I’m looking to get a Summit 2 and this definitely encouraged me to get one
  14. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sold Vortex Diamondback 20-60x60

    $195 — Vortex Diamonback 20-60x60 spotting scope. Great condition, hardly saw any use in the field. Mainly just sits in my closet. Excellent entry level spotter
  15. 307ArrowSlinger

    WTS Magview BRAND NEW

    Sent PM
  16. 307ArrowSlinger

    Sold Magview S1 (New In Box)

    Still have this? Sent PM