Search results

  1. S

    WTS - Kifaru Items / iPad w/ Anker Charger

    Take $60 for both pouches?
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    WTS - Kifaru Guide lid & 2 med pockets - highlander $100tyd

    Ok. Just pm me if my number is called
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    WTS - Kifaru Guide lid & 2 med pockets - highlander $100tyd

    Next if deal with alaska falls through
  4. S

    WTB: Two Kifaru Belt Pouches

    Want to buy two kifaru belt pouches, size medium. Wolf grey, coyote brown, multicam, or Ranger green preferably. My frame and belt are wolf gray. Don't currently have a pack, just a cargo panel. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
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    Kifaru bikini frame and cargo pannel

    funds sent on cargo panel
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    Kifaru bikini frame and cargo pannel

    pm sent on cargo panel
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    WTB: Kifaru Cargo Panel

    Want to Buy Kifaru Cargo Panel with straps. Let me know what you have. Thanks. PMs are quickest way I'll see your response.
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    Hey. I just bought a hunting frame yesterday from someone. It's coming with coyote Brown straps...

    Hey. I just bought a hunting frame yesterday from someone. It's coming with coyote Brown straps. Shipping tracking says it'll be here next Thursday. I'll sell you those straps when they get here next Thursday. Can you wait that long? I can get em in the mail on Friday the 3rd.