I would say, when you’re able to, experiment with all of them. But to start with keep it simple and consistent.
I have a neck sizer for my 6ppc br. After several firings the bolt gets tougher to close. So I bought a body die and reset the body and shoulder each 3rd or 4th firing. Neck sizing...
My experience with Saterlee Method has been vast. Tried and tried and tried but rarely proved. So here’s where it improved. A larger sample size. Went to 2 shots at each powder charge to prove it side by side. My 6ARC accomplished a pronounced node that proved. Charge weights were .01 at 2 shots...
Gosh.. proof read.. color parts *of the case with a sharpie and see where the contact is made. Parts like the shoulder to check for short headspace, or the opposite a long case. Paint the bullet to see if it touches the lands. Umm the case body diameter, ect
My bench has LE WILSON neck sizers, LE WILSON full length sizers, REDDING Master Hunter sets, RCBS sets, WHIDDEN seaters, and HORNADY sets.. my first step to sizing is removing the expander/decapping rod, and set neck tension with a mandrel, and decap with a mighty armory decapping die. Anyway...
My first choice is Hodgdon. But Enduron was available so I bought it when I could. Loaded for 223, 22-250, 280, etc .. has anyone else had incomplete burn or residual powder in the chamber or cases with Enduron? My cases have occasionally been dented after firing.