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  1. H

    Hit List Bucks Trail Cam Pic Thread

    Just put my camera out yesterday and been getting this bachelor group. That task 10 (2nd from camera) was a tall 8 last year. Need to see him in person.
  2. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Spf to jlowry
  3. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Still available
  4. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Considering trades for glock 19x with optic. Or similar.
  5. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    1650 last price drop
  6. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Still available
  7. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    I can't find a date on the binos but I purchased them new, from Doug at cameraland this past August. So August of 2023. @Tex68w
  8. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Still available
  9. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    Would consider 3rd Gen smith pistols as trade fodder also
  10. H

    WTS As new Swarovski EL 8.5x42 (MO)

    1700 shipped insured