Search results

  1. JRob#33

    FNG from LA

    Just curious, which part?
  2. JRob#33

    FNG from LA

    Thanks everyone!
  3. JRob#33

    Hoffman Explorer 400

    I searched the site but didn't find much discussion on them, but does anyone have thoughts/experience with the Hoffman Explorer 400s? Will be used for cool weather stand hunting with a decent trek to/from the stand.
  4. JRob#33

    Talk me out of an NXS

    For what it's worth I just purchased an NXS 3.5-15 after agonizing over it and weighing several options for the last two weeks. The reputation of reliability, repeatability, and quality glass were the final deciding factors for me.
  5. JRob#33

    FNG from LA

    Have been a long time lurker and have found/used a ton of info to steer my purchases. Coming in from NW LA and glad to have this forum as a resource!