I've never seen those types of marks on a scope. For clarification, could that be some kind of residue or something. Some of it is not indentions but looks like the finish has been "pushed" up?
Just trying to get and exact read on the scope condition. Thanks.
My understanding is after 10 years, with no further issues, you are good to go. I got a "driving award" in 1994 and went into Canada in 2006, 2010, 2012, 2016 with no issues.
Just an opinion, but I don't think your mount idea will best highlight each animal. Some things go together, some don't. Congratulations on the animals. Do what makes you happy.
I believe residents should kill what they want. But any non resident who pays $800 for a Montana deer tag, as an example, and says they hunt for the meat is full of crap.
If you get 100 lbs of meat out of a young buck, you're at $8.00 a lb without other expenses. Don't make excuses. Just say, "...
I know I'm a broken record, but I say McMillan stocked Browning X-bolt in 7mm prc. Not necessarily the long range model as it's long heavy barrel adds weight.
For raking and beating brush, I've used boat paddles and an old oil bottle taped to the end of a stick.
For vocals I just cup my hands for loud cow calls and bull glunks. You could buy a Bull Magnet fiberglass call or even fashion one out of a piece of thin plastic rolled into a megaphone.