I went with a 3 pin, I'm primarily a hunter and Ifigure it'll be useful to have 20, 30 and 40 on my sight at all times. I figure that fiddling with the sight at those distances means a higher probability of being spotted and things can happen fast at those distances also. anything passed 40 I...
just make sure to buy it right and keep a Canoe around. I always keep one around because they're easy to load/move, can haul a few people and gear and are just generally very versatile.
I've been using the QAD Exodus swept and I love it. I recently switched over from mechanicals, so I've only shot one deer with it but it was a complete pass through and the accuracy and durability is amazing.
This will be my first time, so maybe this is a stupid question but I wanted some clarification on the start time.
I know the challenge thread will open 5/11 at 8:15am MTN, but is it acceptable if we shoot earlier that morning (before work) and then post those results when the thread opens, or...
Awesome trip! My dad and I are building preference points and planning to start applying next year. I hadn't considered it before, but we're definitely going to look for a unit with some decent fishing also!
I have the marsupial bino harness with the bow clips in your first pic. IMO they're not designed for walking around with your bow attached. I believe the intent (and how I use them) is to quickly have a place to hang your bow while you grab your binoculars to get a better look at something...
even using the generic online speed estimate calculators, your speed number is right on the money. 606 is a super heavy arrow (IMO), I've never been a fan of the FMJ arrows because of how much much they end up weighing to get a decent FOC on them. I'm a 30" draw so it makes it even worse for me...
They are still making them, but in limited quantities and usually only 1 or 2 different calibers/specs per year. Most, if not all of the recent ones have been Lipsey's exclusives (meaning Lipseys ordered enough of a certain spec/ caliber for them to tool it up and produce it, and then they are...
The way I understand it, pick the unit you really want as your first choice (will burn your points if selected) and then add in a couple of less desirable units as your second and third choice and if you get drawn for them it won't burn your preference points. this at least gives you the option...
I'm planning a trip up this fall as well and the biggest concern I had with wading was if you cross and there's a rain event anywhere in the north slope it could swell up and you'd be stuck on the wrong side. I'd look at a raft at the minimum or charter an airboat for transport.
Ive got a knight disc elite with the SSK blackhorn/ bare primer breech and I LOVE it. I get 1.5-2" groups consistently at 100 yards. I've seen some great deals on older models (like mine) online and at local gun stores. I got mine for $100 from a local pawn shop
go to's are buffalo trace and eagle rare when I can find it. Makers and Bulleit Rye for everyday and available, I also like to try to keep a bottle of Noah's Mill and Henry McKenna BIB around if I can find them.
Thanks for that offer. I dont have enough posts yet to send a PM but My Dad and are are finalizing our plans for a Haul Rd caribou hunt in Aug 2024. We've been thinking of doing a uhaul van so we can also sleep in it, but I'm worried that on the day we show up they don't have our...
I'm in the same boat for planning next year. I'm going to see if I can call ahead to one of the stores and repurchase freeze dried stuff and have it waiting for us, we'll plan to pickup fresh food for the first few days.