Hello everyone, I ve been a long time reader here, now I am excited to contribute to the community. I am stepping up my game from whitetail to ELK, No experience in the later yet. I think I have a good foundation to start. The biggest challenge is to squeeze time out of the busy schedule between...
Thank you for the info. that's very helpful, which one of them will be more compact and easy to carry around for backpack country hunt? also do you use an insert, is floor pad a necessity?
Thanks in advance
I am new too and I hunt Solo in Michigan, many times I take my kids with me to teach them, this makes it even harder to stay on track. At any how, I always E-scout before going and mark my onX hunt map with many alternatives. I found out that my mind set plays great deal in success. please don't...
I will take it , what's the alternative?
it all depends on how the conversation goes. I found that being respectful and clear in what I want brings me great results. even though he/she sometimes directs me towards a good location but not the best