What all do you need help with? Unfortunately I have no freezer space or I'd help you freeze that meat. What area of indy are you? East, downtown or West?
That would've been pretty funny. We saw the same two bulls two times and nothing the rest of the trip. You'er right, pretty addicting but I think I'd rather draw a tag next year than fight off the OTC crowds.
Hmm we passed a group of four guys fixing a broken pack on Sunday walking in as we were relocating and saw a Tacoma parked at the trailhead. Any chance that was you guys? My brother and I were headed to a different area. We too saw lots of mule deer.
My brother and I are headed out to CO for OTC 2nd Rifle elk hunt this year. Specific GMU's are not completely decided upon and could be influenced by some answers if you are kind enough to respond.
Both from Indiana and I specifically won't get many chances to head out west for a few years...