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  1. AK_Skeeter


    Cans on land from this Morning's 8-mile refuge hike here in Montana.
  2. AK_Skeeter


    Drake Cinnamon Teal. Difficult to photograph as he was walking among willows and cattails.
  3. AK_Skeeter


    Canvasbacks from yesterday's Montana refuge hike.
  4. AK_Skeeter

    Hiking the Refuge

  5. AK_Skeeter

    Hiking the Refuge

    From this morning's hike: Drake Gadwall: Shovelers shoveling:
  6. AK_Skeeter

    Hiking the Refuge

    From this morning's 8-mile hike in western Montana. I started out later than normal, so missed the good morning light. Cinnamon Teal
  7. AK_Skeeter


    I decided to sit for a while at sunset and this drake showed up.
  8. AK_Skeeter


  9. AK_Skeeter


    From last night. Montana Redheads at sunset.
  10. AK_Skeeter


    I hike 8 miles every morning here in Montana along a National Wildlife Refuge dike. Some diver photos from that area. On the way back, I pick up litter to keep the refuge clean and stretch out this 67 year old body. This canvasback was curious about the white trash bag I was carrying...
  11. AK_Skeeter

    Off season for the dogs

    I am retired so train retrievers with a wonderful amateur group every weekday here in Montana. Usually a quad or triple marks setup which you can run as 3-4 singles, single and double, double double depending on the dog. Then usually 3 blinds. Lots of fun and we are blessed to train on a...
  12. AK_Skeeter


    I did see something I have not seen in 40 years on my hike this morning. Common for you in MN, but very rare in Alaska and uncommon here in Montana. (Spent 30+ years in interior AK, moved to MT 3 years ago)
  13. AK_Skeeter

    2024 Turkey Meat Pole

    Northwest Montana
  14. AK_Skeeter


    I hike a local National Wildlife Refuge, starting before dawn. On the way back I pick up litter, which helps stretch this 67 year old body, and maintains a trash free refuge. This Drake Canvasback saw my white trash bag and was curious. Before sunrise, so not enough light for a good photos.
  15. AK_Skeeter

    Spring Gobblers

    Montana traffic.