Haven’t drawn blood but the 1.5s are flying excellent for me. Stacking right in with my field points out to 80, further than I’d shoot on an animal. Drilling an 1/8inch hole in the quiver right next to the normal hole the arrow sits in works well at keeping them from deploying in the quiver.
I’ll probably regret this but I’m selling my Meopta B1 Cabelas branded 15x56 HD binos. I bought them used and they don’t totally work for my IPD, just a hair too wide for me. I can use them but it takes a little while to get settled in behind them. Well used and the armor...
Can’t speak to the NLs but I have zero complaints from my 8x42 SFs. FOV is wide, they’re comfortable to hold and use. The glass manages glare and suboptimal light well. Easy to handhold and when mounted on a tripod are downright incredible. I’ll be posting my 15x Meoptas for sale soon as I find...
Nope, works for me where it’s at, places the lumbar pad in the small of my back. Buckle on the pack belt is more or less on my belly button but I don’t wear my pants like Steve Urkle.
Hold out for the right deal, I paid 2k for my Kowa 883 with a case. With that budget I wouldn't consider anything less than alpha glass. Keep an eye on ebay too.