I'm not going there. If you want to know biblical truth you would study how the most accurate version, King James Version came about. It wasnt re written over and over as suggested. The re written versions have mans twist on it.
Then you would pick up your KJV bible and begin to read.
No man...
Indeed that is one of them. I've been following the market fallout for over a decade. Basically my entire adult life. Not just that but global agendas too. Toss in a healthy dose of the bible and we are in for a ride at some point in our lifetime.
Nobody wants to take blame for what is coming. Probably why G7 didnt do anything and left it up to individual country leadership to take the hit. Easy to point fingers at the virus too. Elite bankers run the world. They decide when to reset.
Read an article earlier about an economist predicting...
Cut Throat 200s here. Super excited. The "shank" is machine flat for easier sharpening on the 25 degree bevel. Should make wet sanding and stropping a breeze.
I've noticed many bickering about the hospitals being short on masks. I would argue if China can build a running hospital in 2 weeks for this flu like virus, we Americans should be able to exclusively build and manufacture N95 masks for hospitals.
What does a billionaire do if he/she wants...
Yep. Hoarding a ton of masks isnt exactly effective but having some in case one gets sick under ones own roof to me, is not a bad idea. Quarantine an individual inside of a room, in a house, others in the home wear a mask coming in contact with that individual. Obviously others arent wearing...
Makes living on a homestead of sorts much more desirable. I dont like being around people anyways.
Not at will to say having any or not. But they could become very valuable here soon. Same with toilet paper, liquor, sugar, salt and other select goods.
I really am praying none of it becomes...
It isnt the kung flu to be worried about.
I'm worried about economic collapse.
Hopefully the dudes on wall street arent worried about covid19. Then I can return a lot of the stuff I acquired this past week in exchange for hunting gear. 😜
I agree. In my eyes there has to be a reset. Everyone knew the global economic structure couldnt sustain what was happening. When it resets, a global currency could be introduced.
Everything I have been following for the past 10-15 years has pointed to this making the depression look like a...
It really isnt the virus that is the concern. It's the economic downturn and peoples ignorance to it.
The virus is the smokescreen to the global agenda. An advanced form of false flag. It's an easy way the bankers of the world can say, "it isnt because of us, it's the virus" when the market...
Buy silver and gold. It's down because it is being sold to pay for the decline. Once the market gets low enough along with silver and gold, silver and gold is probably going to get bought up and spike. What costs $16 dollars and ounce now could easily cost $100 dollars in a couple months.
I believe all who say to shoot lighter and work up. I'm doing the MTNTOUGH program but that doesn't mean I can jump into good form holding that much weight.
I'm hoping that holding with my fingers will at the least open the door for thumb releases or the nockon type releases. Wrist/index release...
To me that looks elegant. I would even say classy. The wooden bows seem to jive well in my eyes.
Okay okay. I know you are right and I shouldnt go off buying a thousand dollar bow just because I think it looks nice. You are absolutely right about finding the right fit first, even if...
30 inches on my compound. I could swear I should be 31" My span divided by 2.5 is 31.
The Dryad riser appeals a lot to me. I like a wood riser. But that is just by looking. Apparently aluminum and carbon riser are more stout so to speak on the shot. But getting into wood is getting back to more...