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  1. Bambistew

    Chugach hunt done

    Great pics! Congrats on the goat. Sunny days in the Chugach are far and few.
  2. Bambistew

    AK Sheep BOG Comments due Oct 13

    What makes it sustainable? Sustainable as in we can just shoot every FC ram until there are none left knowing that we'll have a fresh crop to blast away on the next year? Is it purely coincidence that the decline started the same time as FC implementation? No one can say for certain that...
  3. Bambistew

    AK Sheep BOG Comments due Oct 13

    You said its sustainable, but then question that its sustainable? Since state implementation of FC requirement in 1992 (minus a couple areas that went FC later), the total harvest of rams has declined. It doesn't take a biologist or a shitload of money worth of study to look at it and go...
  4. Bambistew

    AK Sheep BOG Comments due Oct 13

    The cost of tags was 100% sarcasm. People think that charging more for a tag will somehow help. It won't do anything. What has Alaska WSF done in the last 5 years that helped resident hunters? 3 things? Should be easy. Don't agree with the plane analogy. I don't care if you own one or not. You...
  5. Bambistew

    AK Sheep BOG Comments due Oct 13

    I say we stop hunting for a few years and see what happens. I agree with Movi. When we get to the winter kill we saw last year, 6-7 years from now, we will see a dramatic drop in rams killed. Between now and then we'll kill every barely legal ram we can find. We can't kill them as they get...
  6. Bambistew

    2022 Sheep Harvest Photos

    Is there two sheep in this picture, or is my mind/eyes playing tricks on me? Chugach ram? Super ram!
  7. Bambistew

    Tok Air update

    Wierd that such an upstanding "transporter" can no longer advertise hunts or drop hunters in the preserve. The guy has a story for everything. Did he mention how he tried to buy off the hunter he harassed vs testify against him? I also heard he was buzzing camps this year. Super guy.
  8. Bambistew

    Score Estimates

    Agree with Nick. Bou are hard to judge score unless you have a lot of time. I look for big bottoms and a big (long mains) frame. Top points are nice as are palms, but the long bottoms add as much to the score or more. My experience is those bulls with everything are more rare than just about...
  9. Bambistew

    2022 Sheep Harvest Photos

    Congrats on the two rams. Heck of a year for sure all things considered.
  10. Bambistew

    Harassed by a plane while sheep hunting

    I would put money on it being a local vs a guide. Guides have too much to lose by buzzing some dink rams. Their getting paid of a ram is killed or not. Locals are desperate to be heros. Also many of the local cowboys purposely put tiny numbers on their planes for this very reason. A good...
  11. Bambistew

    some Dall outfitters are already out to 2026 season bookings

    What outfitters? I keep hearing this happening yet have yet to hear of anyone having their hunt canceled. :D
  12. Bambistew

    some Dall outfitters are already out to 2026 season bookings

    Sheep hunts aren't coming down. The supply is drying up making them worth even more. Outfitters wont cancel hunts, and guys will gamble knowing their odds of killing a ram are ever worse ever year. Desperation to fill a lifelong dream isn't loosing any steam. The market seems to top out around...
  13. Bambistew

    Unfilled Tag on Guided Sheep Hunt

    The 30 year running average NR success rate in AK for guided general hunts is 69%. Last year (2021) it was 53%. I'll bet it will be closer to 40% than 50% this year. At some point the odds will be weighed on cost vs. reward. That's a lot of cheddar to put down with low chance of success. I...
  14. Bambistew

    2022 Sheep Harvest Photos

    Guides have been known to post plenty of scenery pics ad well 😉
  15. Bambistew

    AK Sheep, Population Observations

    I'll guess 330, and 1/3 will come from the Wrangells. Going to be a rough year. Maverick needs another mail order bride or to find his old password. That thread was FAF... He's been hunting since he was in diapers when you dobthe math. He has 3x as much experience as any of us, and don't...
  16. Bambistew

    AK Sheep, Population Observations

    If you think last year was bad you haven't seen nothing yet. I will bet we don't break 300 sheep harvested this fall. From boots on the ground in the youth season, pilots flong areas recently and talking to bios, it's worse than abysmal. I can't in good conscience shoot another sheep until...
  17. Bambistew

    Historically Low Alaska Sheep Harvest

    Care to share this strategy? Saving a few rams isn't going to make more ewes. Limiting NR pressure just swaps who gets to notch the tag. Limiting harvest to 1:4 or something silly like that, doesn't limit overall harvest in any meaningful amount. Very few hunters kill more than one ram in 4...
  18. Bambistew

    How far was your average sheep shot?

    I usually limit my range to 300+/-. Never really had a problem moving in on them, just have to be patience. I'm sure the bowhunters are laughing. :D I hadn't really thought about this before. These are estimates. I use a range finder, but don't remember all the details exactly except for a...
  19. Bambistew

    Chugach Sheep Hunts

    The way I understand it, is you can either live in the community listed, or get the permit exception and hunt there IF you live in a rural area outside of the NPS designated area.
  20. Bambistew

    WSA 22-02 affects Sheep hunters in GMU 24A and 26B (Dalton Hwy Corridor)

    Everyone seems to forget that ewes get old like rams, and that young rams run with ewes for the first few years of their life, and are found with them throughout the year. Once they branch off into bachelor groups that's a bit different, but they are usually not that far apart (ewes and ram...