That is awesome! I am just getting into knife making and am loving the process of learning. Bought a 1x30 belt sander from harbor freight to learn on. I’m having a blast putzing around inmy garage.
I started at 20 which is what I use for all my knives, but switched to 22 as was stated earlier in this thread. I agree that the coarse gets it sharp but then I lose it in the middle belts and the extra fine doesn’t seem to do much. I WILL GET THIS. But man is it frustrating lol.
No. I won’t...
This thing is a PIA to sharpen lol. Any tips? Got the ken onion work sharp. I’ve gotten it better starting with the coarse belt and working ip to the extra fine grit, but it still isn’t popping hair or slicing paper evenly.
Could you explain the pin system with no epoxy? Do you glue the pins in place solely and dont put the epoxy on the backs of the cork? Thanks in advance!