I had a second season tag last yr. Didn’t see an elk in 10 days and we hunted hard In lots of diff places. Im not there were any in the entire unit cause we covered a lot of country. IDK where they went honestly
I had the early in 18a. Didn’t see an elk for 8. Killed a nice bull at the end but when they say it’s limited opp hunt that’s the truth. Very nomadic elk and not many elk and lots of country for the few of them to hide in
Destination elk(Corey Jacobsen) posted their video last nite on this hunt. It was pretty eye opening. I’d suggest watching it. Like it got down right dangerous for them. Said he’d never do it again but he did kill an amazing elk day one
My understanding is numbers are good. Quality not what it was but that’s the consensus everywhere in CO. Prolly as good as third season tag as anywhere assuming u got the points
Never hunted it. But keep in mind second rifle is late this yr like third season dates. So they will be prolly not so high as early season. The elk Maybe thinking or moving in the direction of lower elevations. If it were me I’d be somewhere on a migration corridor between summer and winter...
How’s so? I’ve added several tags to my cart practicing for the real one and I don’t see anywhere that there is a 15 min timer allowing me to hold it? They only said that for opening leftover day But it gives me notice or timer that the tag now is being held. So to me, it seems it would first to...
I think the 15 min was just the first go around where u couldn’t go past the residency page. Now I think it’s the first to check out that gets the tag. I don’t think u can reserve it like the first leftover day
I’d like to know or guess as to how many peeps are trying to get these reissued tags? Is it 1000s or 100,000s? Seems like a lot of ppl still trying even this close to season. Years past I’ve snagged bunches of them but this yr demand seems out the roof. I get the 76 tag being gone in a second...
So how is someone literally able to check out in a second? Is there some benefit I’m missing of trying to do it in person at a CPW location u r referring to?
The roads in the unit are very good and easily traveled w a vehicle but obviously u could get snow in second season. I’d take my SxS for sure for that reason
No I appreciate the advice! My understanding of renfroes and papa bear is basically they are charging u a flat fee for their locations which is fine. I get that. But 8-10k just to fly in and out of a location that’s no more than a 100 miles seems insane. I was kinda just looking for a air taxi...
Ok guys I’m looking at doing a true DIY moose hunt in Alaska potentially next fall. I’ve got a lot of research in at this point. I’m pretty much settled on unit 18 but I have some specific questions about logistics getting from bethel to certain river drainages and extraction and available air...