I’ve shot both. The atlas is a pretty bad ass big man bow. If you don’t mind how heavy it is it’s a pretty sweet rig. If you just have ape arms and aren’t built like a lineman the v3x might suit you better
I don’t have a traverse so take it for what it’s worth, but I have this bow in 65 lb. if it’s timed the draw aint bad. Holds like a rock. If it were me I’d get the 33 as a western bow. Of course that’s what I did 😂
Unless you are an incredibly good archer, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in different jaw types accuracy. My personal experience was more what release could I execute the shot correctly with. So thumb button releases made me more accurate than say wrist strap caliper...
I sent a personal email to one of them throwing their parties war drum slogan back in their face. The whole pandemic they have been bitching about science, so I asked the congresswoman to show she believes in science and let biologists manage wildlife
The standard HIT for the 5mm axis is 16 grains, the aluminum one. The Brass insert is 75 grains and you can bust off a portion of it to make it 50 grains.
With a carbon to carbon length of 28.5 inches, a 75 grain HIT and a 100 grain broadhead you would be about perfect. Ran those numbers through archers advantage and its on the lower side of optimal spine but still in the green. If your arrows are much longer than that you would be more on the...
Im about 500 shots on the this bow now. Seems like the stock strings have finally settled. Checked my cam timing today on the draw board and its still dead nuts. Decided to finally really do a serious tune on my bow now that things seem to have settled. Set my arrow to 13/16 and had a pretty...
This is exactly how it is for me. I've been hunting Utard for 18 years, and I will try and choose 3rd week of archery when everyone has given up, hunt the weekdays, still run into other dudes in the hills. Guys here get after it. I blame it on 50% of the population not drinking and having no...
Just because a chart says an arrow wont tune doesn't mean it for sure wont..... At the same time just because the charts say they will doesn't mean they will. There are infinite "spine" values because they are all dependent on not only the arrows carbon construction but its length.
If a friend...
I'm curious to see how the hunts are this year. A taxidermist in Gunnison was saying he saw more big bucks come through last year than in the 3 years prior combined.
No one has a crystal ball. A bunch of dudes with lots of points are still in the pool. Apply for what you want to and think you can draw and let the chips fall.
Nice review! I also bought this bow and would say my experience has been very similar. The bow holds well. I was shooting it out to 80 yesterday and doing quite well with it. I also agree the grip takes some getting used to. My bow was pretty far out of time when I brought it home, I timed it...
29 inch draw, 70 lbs, 460ish grain Easton axis 300 spine, with standard aluminum insert, Grim Reaper Razor Tip 1 3/8 mechanical. Shot a Mule deer buck broadside at 50 yards. Arrow hit the crease of the shoulder mid height of the chest cavity. Complete pass through and buried in the dirt on the...
I shot the prime inline, grip is good, draw was fine, small amount of vibe, Looking at the way the cables track towards the center of the cam I am interested to see if they have wear issues. The envision is a good looking bow, grip looks about the same as last years elite bow. I didn't shoot it...
Update. Well my intial set up was pained with a bunch of stupid mistakes so it took about 5 times as long as it should have. Nock point tied in the wrong spot, managed to nick my center serving while removing a nock set.........redoing my center serving twice to get the right nock fit and then...
Well I caved and purchased a V3X 33 in granite. I did not purchase all the mathews accesories though. I will update how it shoots. Draw cycle is a bit stiff so I dropped to 65 lb vs 70.