I was literally just thinking this. I have lost 2 elk that I have high confidence died. 1 was quartered away through the guts and liver. No blood, gridded a square mile, never saw sign or him (open country). Another I think was single lung. Tracked blood over a mile and gridded for 3 days...
Your opinion doesn't hold with mathematics. The larger the surface area of a given head, the more drag it creates, the more it can go of course with minor errors in shooting form which all humans have. Basically no one has a statistically significant group size with arrows. Most people shoot...
I'll address your comments in order:
1. I can tune my fixed blade with my field tips and SEVR's out to 60-70 before the extra drag of the fixed blades begins to make them hit low enough I need to adjust.
2. I shoot the SEVR for the large cutting diameter (2.1"). I have a high KE setup. I...
I have both fixed and mechanical heads in my quiver. The only time I am pulling a fixed head is if I am in close, brush, and the high likelihood of a quartering to or frontal shot. Everything else I am pulling out the SEVR.
I think the best idea is to have property taxes paid up front like some other countries do (I think Australia does this). Property taxes should not happen in perpetuity if it is the same owner. I think we should front load 8-10 yrs of property taxes at time of purchase, it can be wrapped up in...
Never had the sou vide clog up, used the same machine the last 3 years, I think 10 or 11 animals.
It will definitely ruin the machine over time, I'm prob getting close. But I paid 80$ for it, so that's 8$ or less an animal, which is worth it to me.
1. I bought sov vide you can put in any pot, I like 1000 Watt.
2. Put head in pot, cover to antlers, put degreaser in (soap, borax, etc), set Sov Vide.
3. Set Sou vide to 140F for 24 hrs, make sure the water doesn't go below the intake.
4. After first cook, use a hose to wash off.
5. Set...
I'm sure this is going to turn into a dumpster fire, but I was pursuing YouTube while hiding in the shade archery deer hunting and came across this video. Interesting to say the least.