In NC, they charge more for NR’s. They sort of charge per what other states cherge NC residents. We have elk, but there will never be viable elk season in NC!
If you ever cometo the Smokies on the NC side check out Joyce Kilmer Memorial forest. One of the last Virgins forest on the eastcoast. Pretty impressive. It’s near Robbinsville, NC.
Newberg is full of it. That tag didn't cost him what he "so calls says" it cost him. He and his wife made a PERSONAL choice to move. He didn't even have to buy a tag! That CHOICE cost him. He does put out some decent videos though.
Just looked my past order of Embore. Says they are 70%??? I won't buy again. Years ago I bought some dalgren seconds at a flea market. Those were great socks.
I bought a pack of 6 merino wool socks off amazon. Chinese. I don't remember the % but not worth it. I don't think they lasted 6 months. Good looking socks when they arrived. All wore holes in the heel and would rip.
Does OnX have a backtracker feature? I would like to mark a waypoint, go to another known point, mark it, and walk as close as possible straight line between both points. I see the compass feature, but was wondering about a back track feature??
I’ve had this ammo in my cabinet for too long now. I’m assuming it is probably 30.06 for a Garand. I hope someone can shed some light on it. I just got an .06 and was wondering whether to shoot it up or save it. Any idea’s??
Looking for a frame or preferably a frame with muzzle loader. 50 or 45. Would entertain other calibers to get the frame. Let me know what you have????? thanks
Plenty of deer in WNC, just mainly on private. Not enough timber harvest on public anymore to create the habitat needed. Tree huggers are ruling the roost and are not fond of hunters. East Tenn. is a bit more affordable and well as SW Virginia.
I drive HWY 25 every day. TR would be bettter than I85 or 26. Growing aea very fast. Some public land on 25. Im in NC but see some good hunting on public off HWY25. PM me and I would love to look a some good ridge to ridge shooting. Greenville SC is nice. STAY AWAY from I85…...