Search results

  1. S

    Haul Road Wolves

    How was the caribou hunting? Did you see very many caribou?
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    Chugach sheep hunt 24

    Does anyone have any crampon brands that they like over others when walking or side hilling on a wet grassy slope?
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    Float Hunting Alaska's Wild Rivers FS?

    I would be interested in purchasing the book from you. Let me know if you are still interested.
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    Sold M.E. 1.7x Magnification Extender Swaro

    I purchase the Magnifier in March of 2022. I'm guessing I used it just a handful of times. Still new condition. As pictured below - these are brand new with the original box, etc. $325 TYD CONUS - venmo as friend/family or you add fees. I'm happy to facetime, etc. if you want to view them...
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    WTS Swaro NL Pure - Like New

    Are these still for sale?
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    Leica Rangemaster CRF Review ***Updated 1/8/21***

    It's not looking like you've gotten a reply yet - everyone's hunting? Were you able to verify whether the "C" is in fact the ballistic adjustment whether clicks or MOA. I'm curious as to whether it provides within the view of the rangefinder the elevation adjustment in addition to the yards...
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    Cliffed Out...Sheep Hunters Rescued

    Well said!
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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

    Reduced price
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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

    To the top
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    Arizona Draw Odds

    Thanks -it makes total sense that they put 2023 on a different page than all the other years.
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    Arizona Draw Odds

    Does anyone know when Arizona posts there data on 2023 draw odds? I'm not referring to the draw results but instead the data that they provide by unit, by 1st choice, 2nd, etc. I thought I heard that 2023 was available but going to their website I only see 2022 and prior years. Thanks
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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

    Up to the top for $2,500.
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    WTS Zeiss 10x42 Victory RF

    Seems like you are offering a great deal - it's sort of strange that these haven't been sold yet.
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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

    $2,500 Bump
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    Sold Zeiss RF 10 x 42

    $2,600 Bump
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    Official Montana 2023 Draw Thread!

    That one made me laugh!
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    Historically Low Alaska Sheep Harvest

    It looks as if 25% of the decrease (from 800 to 400) is with just 19C? Is there any other units that make up such a large portion of the decrease in harvest from 2019 to 2022?