"This season I have a much better elk zone and I'm hesitant to waste all that time e-scouting and calling biologist. Last time I called the bios, they gave some pretty useless and general info. You can tell they tell the 200+ other hunters that call the same thing."
To get the most out of a...
The more sophisticated folks do searches and DM guys who spoke of certain units in the past. can bear fruit. Dm is where discussions should be had about specific units anyway for the most part.
@Rfogelman656 there are far better forums for chatting about specific hunts than RS. branch out...
Correction!! Staff recommends residents retain and nonres loose OTC archery elk but that is far from a done deal. Plenty of advocates for excessive nonresident access to tags, including outfitters, will be fighting that recommendation. I signed up to give comments and encourage others to do...
What do you do otherwise? My point is simply making a long hike back to truck or camp is a waste in many situations. So to me it is still hunt, glass or sit where you know or suspect elk may be expecting to hear a mid day call.
Stalking around is fine too of course.
and in 2024 the random draw bull moose tags dropped to a single tag for one unit.
Hardly worth fronting the money for that and as prev stated anybody without 20+? Points is throwing away $$ buying pref points.
Attacked by a mounain lion at home on our deck. Woulda died for sure if I had not been there to “attack”the lion within 3 seconds of it pinning and putting my dogs head in its mouth. My dog with the reporter that interviewed him.
HUNT!! Elk are plenty active during the day. Guys sitting at camp are missing out. worst case you get in a nice nap and do not waste time and energy going to/from camp. Cannot count the times I had a great bow stalk midday including killing a few.
Often I will hang out near where heard last...
sounds like you may be failing to observe draw trends last few years. Hrd to miss three years in a row. I bet some of those had stats showing they were getting tougher to draw.
Go hunt never told you a tag was 100% draw for this year. They and the other nearly identical draw stats sites, as...
I am at 3 cow tags after drawing bull back when 3+2 was max points. I will put in for cow moose as long as they let me. And would also support them making cow moose OIL once you kill, but till then I am in the draw. Always a great time and great eats.