I know practically nothing about whitetails but my gut tells me that point restrictions make more sense for WT because of their antler configuration. A lot of mule deer will never be more than a 3x3 no matter their age. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t whitetails more likely to add points off...
That’s always been the sense I’ve gotten too. A really small percentage of guys specifically pursue wolves, but the guys who do seem to kill them consistently. I’m thinking I’ll put ice fishing and trapping on the back burner this winter and spend a few days chasing them. Worst case scenario...
Making it look way too easy! That had to get the ol ticker thumpin!
Something about that spring season seems to be a good time of year to locate canines. The only wolf I've ever seen was while spring bear hunting but unfortunately the season wasn't open here in Montana.
You know that brings up a good point. I think most hunters treat wolf tags a lot like bear tags. They'll buy one just to have it in case they see one, but they're not really actively pursuing the critter.
I gotta think that wolves are really spread out during general seasons given that their...
I don’t know about you guys, but December and January are always kind of a come down for me. It’s a time when the days get short and the hunting opportunity is pretty lean. Sure they’re are fun things to do in the winter. I enjoy trapping, ice fishing and bird hunting, but nothing really...
I’m just using the platform that reaches a lot of like minded people to share my concerns about something we all love. If that’s ironic then so be it.
My grandpa did 7 sheep hunts in his life and killed some incredible animals. All with some of the shittiest gear known to man. Blue jeans...
Randy Newberg’s recent video titled “burn your points” just struck me as being incredibly ironic. Here we have an influential hunting figure who’s main gig is to show thousands of people how to do a diy western hunt. He talks about how demand has gotten so bad that the best strategy is now to...
I agree 100%. They want fame, give it to em. We shouldn’t be shielding these people from public scorn. This problem isn’t going to get better until they’re publicly shamed by the hunting community
If you didn’t get in here Friday there’s no way to get here now. It’s been raining nonstop and the roads are not drivable. My dad and I are camped in here and the only option for the next few days is to hunt from camp
Looks like a perfect shot to me! Doesn't look like much meat loss at all. Better to have an exit further back than to bugger up a whole shoulder in my opinion. Don't be so hard on yourself, you done good
It absolutely boggles my mind how much people pay for salt. It's one of the cheapest substances in any grocery store. I just fill a baggie with pink Himalayan salt and add No Salt (potassium chloride) and maybe throw in some magnesium for good measure. Every time I fill up my water bladder I'll...