I don't get it. Shoot what you want. Who cares what others think. I don't see why people get so bent up over other people not liking what cartridge they shoot or why they have to try so hard to convert others. If someone tells me my 6CM isn't enough gun I am going to say ok and move on. I also...
Be proud. I have yet to see a bear or sheep out on the mountain, and I live out here. As far as the buck, I've spend 5 days this month on a premium UT limited entry unit and not seen a buck that big. You did well.
It opens the 25th. I'm heading back out Friday to scout through Monday morning. Then Ill drive home and get my wife and we will be back Tuesday evening. This definitely is not a find the biggest buck hunt, as mentioned. I am still really up in the air on my strategy though, and whether to target...
The best thing I saw on this trip were elk. There are very few elk out here. I was very surprised to find them. So this time I got to see the bison and elk that I never found last time.
Overall didn't see anything to get excited over. Ran into one other guy scouting who said he hadn't seen much and expected it to be better than this.
A few pics
Like it?
Looking at a new machine. This and the RANGER XP 1000 NORTHSTAR EDITION ULTIMATE and Can-am Defender Limited are on my list.
Want a full cab with heat and air and capability to haul all my gear for extended trips.
Heading back out tomorrow after work for a quick 2 day trip. I am going to hit the south end and see what I can turn up. The bucks in this pic were on the south end so I am going to see if they are patternable. Also plan to check out a little spot I found last time that had a predictable group...