2 miles with the dogs this morning, then a little lifting.
3 sets of 5 squats
3 sets of 8 BP
My back is feeling good and I'm probably being overly cautious, but easing slowly back into the weight to avoid irritating it.
Back to some light weights again today.
3 sets of 5 OH press
3 sets of 5 deadlifts
Then 1.5 miles on the treadmill. Back is still good, just going to increase weight VERY slowly and not rush it.
Still raining here so inside again this morning.
500 meter row
5 rounds of 10 push ups 10 KB swings
Another 500 meter row
1 mile run on the treadmill
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Raining again this morning so that kept me inside, but I got a little lifting in with zero pain or issues.
3 sets of 5 reps light (135lb) BB squats
3 sets of 8 BP
10 chin ups
some core work
20 min interval training on treadmill
Raining this morning and looks like it will be most of the week. I got in 20 minutes of interval training on the treadmill, then 10 minutes on the rower. At least it warmed up some I guess, back in the high 50's today.
I'm a Police Chief at a school district PD, and I agree 100 percent. As a whole they may not be as tough and dedicated as a couple generations before, but we definitely still have some gritty kids that work hard.
This morning I got in a 2 mile ruck, 50 push ups, 50 KB swings and a lot of core...
Hopefully it'll be better soon!! It was 12 degrees this morning here, but it's supposed to be in the 40's by this afternoon lol. Welcome to Texas. Anyway, 1.5 mile jog and 1 mile walk on treadmill, followed by 50 push ups and some stretching. Hoping to get outside and get a ruck in in the morning.
Still a little icy here...so 2 miles on the treadmill. One jogging at 5 mph then one walking briskly at 4. A little bodyweight excercise, and 2 very light sets of BB squats. Then of course more stretching. Back is feeling about normal again, just being cautious for a week or two longer.
Not horribly cold here, it's mid 20's. But we have some ice accumulation on the roads so it's slick. I got in 3 miles on the treadmill, one jogging slowly at 5 mph and two walking at 3.5 on a 6 degree incline. Still stretching a lot and my back is about well I think. Just not gonna rush it...
LOL definitely. While I would never buy one, I have a buddy who is a pretty serious gun guy that bought one sort of as an experiment. He's probably had it 15 years and put no telling how many rounds through it, and it's still going bang. It's had some malfunctions here and there but overall it...
I carry a Glock 19 at work, and a S&W MP Shield off duty. But I put one on when I get up and take it of right before bed. Glock 19 is probably my favorite all time pistol though.