Might be more than a budget allows, but I have a ruana drop point that has been the best knife I've ever used. if you look sometimes a good deal on a used one will pop up on Ebay, they are top quality steel paired with excellent craftsmanship, made in Bonner Montana.
Yeah the internet plays a big part, and I believe the growing interest in hunting from TV, social media, podcasts, etc., along with shrinking amounts of accessible land, plays another. As well as the lightweight equipment that's being made these days, guys can hunt for a week with everything...
Well Shit! Was hoping that taking my mules out would get me away from the crowds a little. Last time I hunted the Flattops in CO it was crowded for the first 5 miles but once we set up camp about 12 miles in we never saw another for 2 weeks. Maybe I'm better off in the Horns.
No kidding? I know the snowys get some pressure but I would've thought the Madres would've been a little lesser known! Was it a successful hunt despite the crowds?
Appreciate the reply. I've heard the bighorns are a tough hunt but I honestly enjoy the experience regardless of a kill or not and would be happy taking a cow for the freezer if the opportunity arises.
If I draw a general elk tag this year I'd like to hunt the Sierra Madres in southern Wyoming. I've snowmobiled there for the last 10 years and I'm familiar with many of the areas but I've never been there in the other times of the year. I'd like to take a lead horse and a couple of my mules out...
If I draw a general unit tag for Wyoming this year I planned on hunting either the Madres or the Bighorns. I'm more familiar with the Madres, having snowmobiled there for a decade, but it would be a lightweight backpack hunt. The Bighorns, being equine-friendly, would allow me to bring my pack...