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  1. J

    What caliber

    Thank you for all the replies and opinions and advice. I am going to start shooting some different grains of ammunition to get the best that I can. What I will be shooting is a Kimber Montana with a Leupold scope, Anyone have one of these that can fill me in on what their's likes. I know...
  2. J

    What caliber

    Thank you for the replies and welcome. Guess I am overthinking this. It sounds as if My rifle is going to get the job done, So what about clothes? What would be a good brand to get? I have some of the Red Head name brand clothes from Baas Pro that works well here in Indiana but will it be good...
  3. J

    What caliber

    Probably asked a million times but here goes. Starting to plan a Elk hunt out West (thinking Wyoming). and trying to decide on caliber of the rifle. I have been Deer hunting for about 30 years here in Indiana, so Elk hunting will certainly be a big change. Right now I shoot a 30/06 and a 243...