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  1. R

    Sold Anschutz 222

    Pm sent
  2. R

    Why used prices on here so high?

    You got a laugh outta me. Seems to be true though
  3. R

    How’s your fuel prices

    I’ve noticed about a .15 - .20 per gallon rise in the last two weeks
  4. R

    Lower back disc pain

    I have a herniated disk from Years ago, and when it was first giving me issues I did some physical therapy, which consisted of building up lower ab muscles and obliques. Made a huge difference over time
  5. R


    Issues here from the getgo. More often than not he app won’t open. Freezes all too often as well
  6. R

    How’s your fuel prices

    It’s at the heels of $5 here in my part of the bay area
  7. R

    Lower back disc pain

    Just to reinforce what many people have already said- stretching and core strength. We have a guy at work who’s 62 and has some pretty big back issues. Hates taking shots, but sometimes it’s all that can be done. He’s always stretching. Not his back, but more so his hips and hamstrings. He’s a...
  8. R

    FNG from the Peoples Republic of California

    Also a FNG here, from the bay area
  9. R

    Favorite garden vegetable or fruit

    To me- what shines above store bought produce is tomatoes, specifically pineapple tomatoes. Broccoli is much more sweet. Growing squash at home give you the ability to grow the best variegated- patty pan and yellow crookneck are my favorite

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