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  1. F

    Pics of animals you weren't hunting

    I was actually bear hunting from the bottom of this canyon and couldn't find anything worth pursuing so in the mid day boredom I decided to climb up after the goats just to see how close I could get. I ditched my pack and bow while I closed in the final few hundred yards. Of course the pics make...
  2. F

    Backbar against body for hunting?

    Hmmm... never tried it but interesting thought. I do shoot a rear bar on my hunting rig and target bows, but I would think it would just get in the way if it were touching me, especially shooting uphill, downhill, from knees etc. Or maybe it gets caught up in clothing? Try it from different...
  3. F

    Pics of animals you weren't hunting

    First time I'd been swung at by a goat. Unless she was high-fiving me for making it all the way up there.