Search results

  1. Guy

    Bear Season!

    Doe-fawn bleat. Pretty steep, forested terrain. I did my best to make it sound like a young mule deer was hurt. That bear came in with quite an attitude! :) Guy
  2. Guy

    Bear Season!

    Well, twist my arm about the rifle photos. ;) Here's the Ruger Number One in 375 H&H with a 1.5-5x Leupold mounted. I bought the rifle, used 11 years ago. Haven't taken anything but bear with it, though I've also carried it for elk. I know that level of power isn't needed for black bear, but I...
  3. Guy

    Bear Season!

    Washington's bear season starts August 1st, right around the corner! My son and I have done well on black bear here in Washington before and I hope to hunt pretty seriously for bear again this year. No baiting allowed. No hound hunting either here. So, it's "spot and stalk" for the most part...
  4. Guy

    Photography- one photo a day

    On today's walk with the bird dog. Osprey above the Columbia River.
  5. Guy

    Arizona desert bighorn

    OUTSTANDING! What a great tag. :) Very happy for you. You're right, it's incredible odds, yet you drew. Now, go have one heck of a great hunt. Regards, Guy
  6. Guy

    Out of state Antelope Taxidermy options

    BTW, antelope can make dramatic Euro/skull mounts, particularly on a dark piece of wood. Less expensive. Takes less space. Just a thought. Guy
  7. Guy

    What do you carry in your vehicle for self recovery when hunting?

    Oh - I've got a "Pull Pal" winch anchor, which is a pretty good solution when out in sagebrush country and there's no big tree to winch from. There are other things that can be done rather than the pull-pal, but it works fine. Purpose made for the task. Guy
  8. Guy

    What do you carry in your vehicle for self recovery when hunting?

    Bought it about 30 years ago, it's been in three of my rigs, but the Hi-Lift has only been used once to get a Dodge pickup un-stuck. Otherwise it just rides around, heavy and taking up space. I'm glad I've got it, I've used it around the place, to move and lift stuff, but I've been surprised...
  9. Guy

    Brown bear / mnt goat bullet

    Seven days into a nine day Brooks Range hunt, this interior grizz showed up at about 40 - 50 yards, heading towards us. I shot and missed. I shot and dropped him, he was up almost instantly, but I'd cycled my bolt faster and shot again. The guide started shooting too. Things were moving fast...
  10. Guy

    Another caliber post

    I think you should buy what puts a grin on your face. A varmint/target rifle perhaps? There's nothing in North America that you can't hunt with a good 300 WM or 30-06, which you already own. Get something fun, something easy to shoot well. A 6.5 CM or something? That's a light kicker and...
  11. Guy

    Worried about theft back at the truck while hunting?

    It's GREAT to have a fellow along who enjoys being in and near camp BTW. Someone who maintains security, and stays busy splitting wood, filling the water jugs, making sure there's a great meal awaiting the returning hunters. As I've gotten older, I do more of that. I enjoy the camping. Get...
  12. Guy

    Worried about theft back at the truck while hunting?

    Ya, don't worry about the truck (Jeep in my case) a lot - but - when I set up a camp and walk away from it in the morning to hunt it's a concern. So much is there: tent, sleeping bag(s) stove clothing, BEER, etc... Muzzle loader hunt for mule deer some years ago. Four of us were camping...
  13. Guy

    Wyoming Draw posted tomorrow 6/18

    Seems like you're on your way for deer & antelope this year! Enjoy! Elk and sheep in the near future for you I hope! Guy
  14. Guy

    Wyoming Draw posted tomorrow 6/18

    Lucked out and drew a tag for buck deer and buck antelope. I hope to have good photos and a good story to share in October. Guy
  15. Guy

    WY Antelope Draw results

    Lucked out and drew a tag for buck deer and buck antelope. I hope to have good photos and a good story to share in October. Guy
  16. Guy

    Alaska Peninsula Brownie

    OUTSTANDING! Congrats on a great hunt and a terrific bear. Guy
  17. Guy

    Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunt 2019

    David, that's going to make a wonderful rug! Congrats, again. :)
  18. Guy

    Photography- one photo a day

    Invading San Clemente Island again? :) I thought we took care of all those "OPFOR" problems off the coast of Southern California in the 1980's when I was a Marine. :)