Search results

  1. G

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Struck out again for 3rf season deer and second choice 2nd season deer. A few years ago it was a 1 point draw now it's 2-3. 2nd was a guarantee draw as a second choice
  2. G

    What do you keep in your "STASH POCKET"

    My stash pockets are on the hip belt with a Seek Outside Revelotion frame. They usually have snacks, wool gloves, ammo and toiletries. After day 1 the pack always gets lighter. Just no reason. To carry half this stuff around
  3. G

    Official Montana 2024 Draw Thread

    7 points going into a LE rifle draw in breaks let's maker happen!
  4. G

    WI fisher trapping

    From Price County. If your coming up to trap, I agree with the other guys cover ground with leaning pole sets and gusty. Find cedar swamps with lots of red squirrels and you'll be in a good place. Wish I could draw one, it's been a long time since my last fisher
  5. G

    Grouse - Dusky vs Sharp-tailed in Colorado

    A dusky flush sounds more like a turkey lifting off. Sharptails are a lot smaller and faster and live in completely different habitats
  6. G

    First Desert Sheep UT

    A ram like that in a landscape, like that. You are truly one lucky person to have that experience, congrats
  7. G

    Go in deep!

    I did this last year, yes it sucks. Climbing from rock to rock up the rokslide because the non rocky ground was way too slippery in the snow.
  8. G

    Showers out in the Field

    DUDE WIPES will change your life. I've also had a portable camp shower thing for 5-10 years and still haven't used it once
  9. G

    What are you paying for when you buy a $ 4K rifle?

    Not here to invalidate anyone's opinion. I'm the guy who would take a rifle like that pre 64 (ooh sweet with a nice original stock, bluing etc) over anything built today. So if a really sweet piece was 4k, I could justify that cost
  10. G

    New F-350 motor options?

    My 22 GMC 2500 has the 6.6 gas AK 400 small block and it's freaking awesome truck. Just sayin
  11. G

    2 weeks from desert sheep opener.

    Now that you say that, I know a guy who had also made these kind of claims, consistently. One being he shot 50 deer in one day on a reservation. Out of a truck for the elders. Another was 28 ducks in one shot. So many far fetched stories they all blended together. Fun as hell to drink with though
  12. G

    2 weeks from desert sheep opener.

    It was a pretty fun shishow haha dude killed more deer than EHD, in 1 season, with a rock, from a wheelchair
  13. G

    2 weeks from desert sheep opener.

    Surprises me how many guys believe this is a real 65 year old guy. He is obviously a 20s male internet troll. Everything he says is fabricated to create an argument on the keyboard. The problem here is that expert keyboard warriors are a real thing, their "hobby" is to create arguments from...
  14. G

    Vomiting at altitude

    I hunt up to 10800. That is about the max where I start to feel light headed. Probably could get past that elevation with some time but haven't been able to make it yet
  15. G

    Factory ammo

    I only shoot factory and there us a couple combos that work the best in my rifles so I just stocked up on that particular type. Shoot better than most... drop everything I want it to
  16. G

    Second season Colorado gear suggestions

    Backpacking in 2nd on a late year to boot. Should be interesting, keep us posted! :)
  17. G

    National Forest Camping Ethics

    Plenty of sites available the day before opener don't be a bag hog
  18. G

    Bag boil meals?

    This is the greatest method ever for camp food. Question on breakfast burrito prep, are they actually wrapped in foil, then vacuum sealed?
  19. G

    Weatherby is circling the toilet bowl

    Sellout Steve, good one lol