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  1. sjwfarms


    3.5 miles 600' 35# @mtwarden Probably best you hid that scope story in the fitness thread. Not sure what scope you were using but sure as hell hope it didn't have a christmas tree reticle. happens to the best of us😂
  2. sjwfarms


    first lift in over a week due to random wrist injury, felt good. push: warmup: DB flies 3x15 35s DB Bench 10/10/10/8 60/75/90/105 DB arnolds 3x10 55/65/75 BB decline 3x10 195 cable tri pushdowns 3x12 60 abs Will do, love that town, going to miss it when she graduates next year...and of course...
  3. sjwfarms


    4 miles 500' Took a few days off to go visit my daughter at school in NW Arkansas. Planned on a few hikes, but at 95+ degrees every day said to hell with it and enjoyed the recovery days.
  4. sjwfarms


    @mtwarden did you climb a building? in these parts that's what it would take to get that kind of elevation... 3 miles, still off the lifting, but missing it. Headed to the ozarks for a long weekend for the daughter's b-day. Hope to get some miles in up there. good luck @TripleJ !
  5. sjwfarms


    3 miles 500' 35#
  6. sjwfarms


    3.5 miles today did something unknown to f up my wrist. Can't do any push lifts without excruciating pain. Pulls not nearly as bad. That said, taking a week off 100% from weights to see if it's just a mystery that goes away.
  7. sjwfarms

    Pump shotguns- Who is manufacturing the best?

    a lot of waterfowl have fallen to the BPS and blind partners really appreciate the bottom eject. Never had a problem with functionality. That said, it takes some know-how to break it down and clean it, when those two little rails fall out for the first time.:ROFLMAO: Even goofy left handers can...
  8. sjwfarms


    today: 5 miles 800'....Francine still sending big bands of rain which cooled things down from time to time yesterday: full body light day warmup before every working set of 2x12-15 Bench 185 Hammer pulldowns 140 DB military 50s seated cable rows 140 DB one arm tris 20s DB hammer curls 25s abs
  9. sjwfarms


    3 miles 500' 35# unknown wet substance falling from the sky around here too. Much needed, thanks Francine.
  10. sjwfarms


    3 miles 500'
  11. sjwfarms


    full body: warm-up before all working sets BB bench 3x10 225 DB arnolds 3x10 60's Hammer pulldowns 3x10 180 DB 24" box steps 3x15 20s dips 3x15 abs stretch still 2 months out but switching to more full body lifts and cutting back on weight just a bit. Focusing more on the trails
  12. sjwfarms


    3.5 miles 500'
  13. sjwfarms


    yesterday: 2 easy miles and 20 mins stretch today: 5 miles 900' 35# short cool front rolled in last night, first non-miserable hike in while, low 70's for a couple of days
  14. sjwfarms

    Training Lab to be Soft-Mouthed?

    Agree 100% on the force fetch thing. Sometimes it takes a pro for this part of the training. Also agree that some dogs are just hard mouthed regardless. I've had one and it's frustrating as hell. Having just been through the dove opener in the south. Sometimes the best dogs have a hard time...
  15. sjwfarms


    3 miles 500'
  16. sjwfarms


    pull day: warmup cable pullovers 2x15 hammer pulldowns 10/10/8 + amrap 90/140/180 + 120 cable rows 10/10/8 + amrap 120/160/200 + 100 ez bar curl 2x10 90 seated 45 degree db curls 3x10 30s 45 degree hypers 3x10 abs 3 miles
  17. sjwfarms


    4 miles 500'
  18. sjwfarms


    yesterday: 3 miles then took the rest of the day off for what is an unofficial national holiday in the South, the dove season opener. Good day and the weather co-operated. Today: Push warmup chest/shoulder DB flies 2x15 each BB bench 10/10/8/6/4 + amrap 45/135/185/225/265 + 205 DB arnolds 3x8...
  19. sjwfarms


    5 miles 800' HIIT
  20. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400'