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  1. 1jeds

    Shoutout to the Rokslide Moose Community

    Congrats, that's a stud! I do have a few basic questions: Did you go solo or with a partner? How long from planning to the actual hunt was needed? What resources outside of the forum did you find the most useful for planning? Anything you'd do different or things that went well that you'd...
  2. 1jeds

    CO Archery Elk - first hunt write-up (tag filled!)

    What a great read, congrats on your successful trip and all the preparation put in!
  3. 1jeds

    Triathlon/Marathon/Endurance Sports Thread

    I didn't, but out of the race tattoos I've seen it is simple and without any of the cheesy branding.
  4. 1jeds

    Triathlon/Marathon/Endurance Sports Thread

    I came out unscathed today fortunately! I came in to the weekend with fatigue and nasal issues, I think I was catching a cold or bug. The plan was to wake up this morning to see how I was feeling, and take it easy and have fun out there (mission accomplished). Those climbs were steeeeep! 31...
  5. 1jeds

    How do you guys successfully hunt wallows

    Growing up hunting whitetails in Georgia was great practice for the first time I hunted an elk wallow. Just sit and wait, pay attention to the wind. I killed the elk in my profile picture over a wallow, while I was laying behind a bush reading my Kindle.
  6. 1jeds

    Triathlon/Marathon/Endurance Sports Thread

    Looking at this entire year, my average running time per week is over 11 hours. 16.5 hours on average including any other gym work, biking, hiking, etc. For the 100 miler I had peaks of an 18 hour running week followed by a big "training camp" style week at 21 hours (112 miles and 27k ft...
  7. 1jeds

    Triathlon/Marathon/Endurance Sports Thread

    For sure - I did Squaw Peak 50 (now named Snow Peaks 50) in Provo, it has been around for a while and is low key but has a pretty decent turnout. The 100 was Crazy Mountain 100 in Montana - it is relatively newer but has gained in popularity very quickly, and for good reason. I really enjoyed...
  8. 1jeds

    Triathlon/Marathon/Endurance Sports Thread

    To update on my post in this thread back in March: 100K (6,800 ft. vert) in April - Completed (8th overall) 50 miler (11,400 ft. vert) in June - Completed (4th overall) 100 miler (21,100 ft. vert) in July - Completed (11th overall and my first 100 miler) Now I just have the Rut 50K next...
  9. 1jeds

    Let's help some guys/gals get their first archery elk!

    I've got a question after getting boots on the ground this weekend scouting the area I am planning to hunt this year (~20 miles). I have 1 archery elk under my belt, but this is the first time unguided and solo, so there is a lot I'm trying to learn. I made my way to a ridge and glassed...
  10. 1jeds

    fasted exercise

    Spot on. Our bodies are good at improving metabolic efficiency through exercise alone. Exercise regularly, fuel appropriately. Most people are great at #2 but not #1. There is a reason just about every elite endurance athlete has tremendous fat oxidation rates and still have a very high carb diet.
  11. 1jeds

    Let's help some guys/gals get their first archery elk!

    What would someone suggest for a calling strategy (if any) when in grizzly country? Is it sufficient to rely on glassing and listening for bugles, or do you still use location bugles and cow calls as a primary method? I'm learning to call now. I assume if I don't have it down pat by September...
  12. 1jeds

    Middle aged guy struggling to drop a few lbs in the belly area

    There is a lot of misinformation here. You're mixing body fat with dietary fat. Excess calories of any form will be stored as body fat (i.e. if you are consuming more than you are expending). There are plenty of credible studies showing the makeup of macros isn't significant when keeping...
  13. 1jeds


    Saturday 6/15 27 miles trail running w/ 8,000' vert Sunday 6/16 13 miles hiking repeats w/ 8,000' vert Today Rest!
  14. 1jeds

    70-80 lb bows

    I shoot a Ventum 33 at 75 lbs, with 29.5" draw length as well. Arrow is a RIP TKO 300 spine, 484 grains total weight @ 279 fps (80% let off). I'm happy with how the arrow tuned - I believe Archer's Advantage has it as "slightly weak" and the 250 spine at "marginal stiff".
  15. 1jeds

    Scouting a new area this year?

    I've been e-scouting and have narrowed down to a handful of areas marked with waypoints, etc. I'll continue to do that, but plan on putting puts on the ground 1-2 weekends in August if possible (a minimum of 1 weekend). The area is ~5 hours from me, this will be the first year I am going DIY...
  16. 1jeds


    Even if you aren't "fat adapted" (if you are a human, you are fat adapted and use fat as fuel), you aren't using carbs as your primary fuel source. It's a sliding scale based on intensity, and you can manipulate the crossover point to a certain extent based on diet and exercise. I eat a ton of...
  17. 1jeds


    I like LMNT and Liquid IV, but man at $1.50 a pop for LMNT it is pretty ridiculous. I need to start a "hydration" company based on those margins. For running and training I have been using straight sodium citrate, the same 1,000mg of sodium costs me 10 cents. Flavor it however you want. The...
  18. 1jeds

    Food Recommendations for staying full and losing weight

    Regardless of your "diet" of choice, when trying to lose weight it's good to focus on lower calorie density foods. Take 300 calories of carrots, oatmeal, nuts, a coke, etc. The first 2 are lower calorie density and will take up more volume in your stomach and you'll feel fuller, but they are all...
  19. 1jeds

    Carnivore Diet

    Bingo. The law of thermodynamics always wins. A lot of people may lose weight initially on the scale, especially with something like keto/carnivore and is due to caloric deficit as well as reduction in water weight (glycogen stores water along with it in the muscles). I'd wager that most people...
  20. 1jeds

    Don't underestimate old guy strength

    They are typically done with kipping (flopping around) pullups, but I refuse to do them and do strict pullups for Murph