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    Montana Draw

    Anyone know when the Montana draw will be?
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    DIY wind checker?

    I picked up an 8oz bottle of micro balloons on eBay for $8.89. Filled up 4 2oz bottles. Works great.
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    Public land stands

    I would hunt in the tree you want. Most likely if he is hunting that stand the area is probably not going to be as productive as it was in the past anyways.
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    2018 MT Archery WT

    Nice buck!
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    Got my 2018 Iowa archery buck back!

    That’s a great buck! Congratulations!
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    Iowa non-resident hunting experiences

    Bought my 2nd point for Iowa this year. Can’t wait to hunt there in a few years.
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    Finally found one to chase this year

    He will cause you some restless nights!
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    Missouri Bowkill 19’

    Holy wide deer! Nice work. 185 my guess.
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    My best wnc kill

    Bet that got your blood pumping! Great buck!
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    My 3 best archery whiteys

    Very impressive! Not many people get to claim 180 inch whitetail!
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    Going full public this year, done with leasing game

    Good luck! I don’t think you will be disappointed.
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    High quality leather boots for whitetail

    Zamberlan is definitely worth looking into.
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    My 2018 Mount is Done!

    Congratulations! Nice buck!