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  1. Mr. October

    USPS Woes

    Good information. I have no doubt in the grand scheme of things USPS has a pretty good track record given the volume they do.
  2. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Nobody has ever done it. You are just thinking of nominating liberal or conservative judges. "Packing the court" has been an on-going threat by the left to pass legislation to increase the number of justices from 9 to 13 to enable the President Biden to get favorable numbers for his desired...
  3. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Hopefully you are correct at least as far as new gun restrictions but he had some pretty heavy funding from anti-gun special interests. I don't think he'll take long to act on these.
  4. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    I'm certainly not a single issue voter either. In addition to his stance on guns, I am fearful of his policies for socialized medicine, a welfare state, crippling economic policies regarding environmental law, and his ideas around ending racism. (That oughta get interesting since Racism, sexism...
  5. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    One fo the things they will easily be able to pass is legislation to pack the court. Once done, Biden (or Harris) can quickly nominate liberal judges cementing their ability to do whatever they want.
  6. Mr. October

    Canada 2021

    LOL! Sorry . . I know there is a lot of hope and excitement around them but that defies history and what science says. I hope the scientists are wrong and these quickly-made vaccines can prove reliable. Time will tell.
  7. Mr. October

    USPS Woes

    USPS insurance is nearly useless. I don't ship anything of even moderate importance with them.
  8. Mr. October

    Canada 2021

    There's a lot of people hanging their hats on very volatile, unstable, unproven early vaccines. I'm NOT an anti-vaxxer but I'm not signing up for a vaccine that was developed in a few months. All the science says . . meh . . probably not. I think I'll wait for the next go-round when there is...
  9. Mr. October

    Canada 2021

    Because things are going so well COVID-wise everywhere else . . .
  10. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Unfortunately the worst solution to any problem is to get the government involved. That gaurantees the solution will be expensive, ineffective, and mis-guided.
  11. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    It's really worrisome that people haven't paid attention to Biden/Harris policies around guns. I get that we've had false alarms with Obama and Clintion . . although Clinton wasn't a false alarm. Anyone remember the assualt rifle and magazine capacity bans? Thankfully those were watered down...
  12. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Correct. Again, if the Georgia Senate seat goes poorly and Biden/Harris have a cooperative Senate things will not go well for gun owners, gun shops, or manufacturers. Remington went away courtesy of $800 Million in lawsuits from Sandy Hook after CT allowed them to be sued. Near the top of the...
  13. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Truth. The Great Primer Shortage of 2020
  14. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Save this post in case the Georgia runoff goes poorly for the GOP. If so, they will in fact, be "taking our guns" and eliminating most legal ways to buy new ones.
  15. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    Way different situation here. In 2016 the ammo/firearms shortage was caused by fears that Trump would lose. Companies ramped up production, Trump won, the market for guns/ammo crashed. Companies suffered huge financial losses. This is a big part of the reason they didn't increase capacity this...
  16. Mr. October

    How long will the ammo shortage last?

    .22 was a problem after Obama got elected because he passed environmental regulations that put the US's remaining lead smelter out of business. We had to start importing lead from countries like China and India (where they are no-doubt maintaining clean and green facilities . . *roll eyes*).
  17. Mr. October

    Debt help

    Definitely . . . unless you drive the exact mileage of the lease, leasing has never been great. Especially at modern car prices. Find something you can afford and pay for it outright or as quickly as you can and then keep it as long as possible.
  18. Mr. October

    Debt help

    There is some good advice on this thread. Don't feel bad about this. I know it sucks but many of us fell into the credit card/debt trap at one point. Know this. You CAN and WILL solve this over time. You need to be patient and disciplined. I haven't listened to Dave Ramsay but see his advice...
  19. Mr. October

    Favorite Knife Sharpeners for Field and Home

    I know I'm pulling up an older thread here but I stopped at Cabelas on Black Friday and while there, picked up a Worksharp Field Sharpener. My idea had been to have that as an in-pack or portable tool while getting something like the Spyderco Sharpmaker for home. Well, I don't think getting...
  20. Mr. October

    Rifle and manufacturing quality today

    My rifle arrived back from CA the week before deer season here in PA. As it is, I filled my buck tag in archery season but I DO have a doe tag I can use starting this coming Saturday. (Expected to be a washout at this point.) That said, I got it to the range and started a new break-in process...