Search results

  1. S

    Antelope Jerky

    Anyone have any good Antelope jerky recipes? Heading to Wyoming October to get a couple and want to make some to snack on for the rest of season
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    New to Packgoats

    Been working on putting together a pack goat string together for the 2025 season. I have 2 boys that will be ready to pack and a younger one that still needs some time. Hoping to pick up two or pack 3 mature packers in the next couple months when I make a trip to Wyoming. Anyway here's Chief and...
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    single shot vs mag

    I have an Artemis M11 rifle. It carries a 10rd mag and it shoots way better than I do. I routinely nock starling and squirrels out of a tree 77yds from the kitchen window. Plenty of power and more than accurate
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    What's your "Happy place"?

    Just outside of Mt Ida Arkansas on the Ouchita River. Been going there every spring for most of my life and recently started hunting there. Probably my favorite place in the world to date
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    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    I've been fortunate not loose anything of major value yet, lost a knife and a light or two but that's it. I did leave my bow laying where I gutted a doe last year. Completely forgot it and walked off. Luckily it was on private and a quick retrieve the next morning
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    Have you moved out of state?

    Been seriously considering a move from Missouri for awhile now. Either west to Idaho or Montana or south to Arkansas or Kentucky. Mostly just to be close to hunting and outdoor opportunities. Where I live near KC there is almost nothing withing 4 hours that offers and real amount of space to...
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    Adding Stove Jack

    My wife bought me a OneTigris Tetra tent for my boy and I to use this fall. I really like it and it suits well but it lacks a stove jack. That brings me to the point of adding a stove jack, anyone adding one to an ultralight tent? Any tips or tricks I should know before I attempt it? I'm pretty...
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    Pack size recommendations

    Just starting to gear up for back country hunting and trying to decide just how big of a pack I need. Right now I'm looking at 5 to 7 day hunts with the need to pack out meat, hopefully. What size pack should I be looking for ? Is a 4800 enough or should I be looking for something in the 7000 range?
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    New Whitetail Pack - external frame?

    Another vote for the MR Pop-up. I have the Pop-up 18 and the 28 bag and swap them on the frame as needed. Mostly use the 18 early season then switch to the 28 as cooler weather settles in and I end up taking more gear. I've packed out several deer with it now and really like the system
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    Airgunning Grouse

    I'll be taking my son along the next couple years for mule deer and elk and was thinking about getting a light air rifle for him to pack for grouse. I know it's legal in several states but I was wondering if anyone else has done it and if they have any advice as far as a light packable airgun?