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  1. NX8B8

    Who hunts with a 10lb+ rifle?

    I not sure what you figured out now, but I can’t recommend the 175LRX highly enough. Made reloading incredibly easy, reviews are awesome . Dropped a Ak bull moose on the move at 400yards, about a hands worth of blood shot meat lost. Both lungs were pudding .
  2. NX8B8

    Lightweight Rifle Under $1k

    From a guy that bought the savage ultralight, you so right.
  3. NX8B8

    VX5HD vs Vonquest V4 vs SHV vs ???

    “ I'm probably stretching them both beyond what would be reasonably expected of any scope” ? You using them to cook ants, what is beyond reason ? Haha jk If you’ve already had then both I’d try something new. I’m not too impressed with what I see for Zeiss for competition but my old conquest...
  4. NX8B8

    Rifle Recommendations

    Springfield Waypoint, the rifle budget difference is less than headaches or a years worth of good ammo. I would reconsider weight goals with 7prc unless your an avid sheep hunter.