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  1. T

    Bullet drop depends on left/right wind direction?

    The top one and the bottom one for me. I confirmed my scope is doing what it`s supposed to do. The external " laws of physics and environmental influences", and THEN there`s all the stuff WE can ( and in my case, too often ) do to screw up the shot. Lordy! Really makes one admire the Chris...
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    Bullet drop depends on left/right wind direction?

    LOL! One thing is for certain! After reading about precession....aerodynamic jump...and everything else impacting bullet flight, I have a new appreciation of rifle shooting and will absolutely REVEL in each and every occurrence in which a bullet that I`ve shot actually makes contact with the 6"...
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    Bullet drop depends on left/right wind direction?

    What about 500 yards? Should one expect aero jump at that range ?
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    Favorite National Park

    They are wonderful places. Just hope that they aren`t ruined by tourons.
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    Bullet drop depends on left/right wind direction?

    When one considers the myriad of things that can apparently impact the travel of a bullet from point A to point B, sometimes it`s amazing to me that we can hit ANYTHING at ranges over 200 yards! For me, sometimes at the range while shooting at 500 yards, I swear every ......single...... one of...
  6. T

    Bullet drop variation

    I It is positively tiny even at 12X at 500 yards. Not that I hit the 6" every time, but much more consistent with that gong. You wouldn`t think 2 measly inches would make that much difference, but it does apparently.
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    Bullet drop variation

    " Long range shooting is more art than science . " Don`t know if everyone agrees with that assertion, but I`m personally beginning to think there`s a lot of truth in that. Sometimes I feel like there`s a definite degree of SWAG in it!
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    Bullet drop variation

    I`m pretty well convinced that the things that can impact the flight of a bullet from point A to point B is pretty much limited only by one`s imagination. And the longer the distance to travel, the worse it gets! No wonder I`m inconsistent with a 4" gong at 500 yards!
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    Bullet drop variation

    KInd of makes me look at calculators as primarily a good " guide ". Sort of like bore sighting to get you on paper. A starting place.
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    Bullet drop variation

    This is timely. I shot some Frontier ( Hornady ) .223 68 grain at 500 yards. Those rounds were hitting a full MOA below where the ballistic calculators ( Hornady and my Kestrel ) said they should be. On target after I adjusted up. Don`t have a chronograph, but did make we wonder if the stated...
  11. T

    Caliber Crystal Ball - Can you predict the future?

    Over the next 15 years, IMHO, what is developed as far as cartridges/calibers is concerned will be profoundly impacted by societal and political influences. Hunting, for example. Where will it be in 15 years? Fewer and fewer people are hunting. Will that impact what ammo manufacturers ( if there...
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    Thought I had settled on a good "first rifle + glass" combo, less sure now

    Depending on the gun, with a brake on I can feel the concussion three shooting bays away sometimes. Shortened my range day more than once! I don`t make a deal of it. He`s got as much right to be there as I do.
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    What do You Sing on the Hike Out?

    If I`m carrying anything, Chain Gang by Sam Cooke ( dating myself )
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    Readily Availably Ammo

    If everything I`m seeing/reading about the ammo industry comes to pass, the term " readily available " may be non-applicable for just about everything in relatively short order! Boy, I sure hope that doesn`t turn out to be the case!
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    Thought I had settled on a good "first rifle + glass" combo, less sure now

    Why not the Lightweight Storm in .223? Have you looked into a simple re-barrel of the gun you have? I have a 110 Storm ( not the Lightweight model ) in .223 and it`s been great.
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    Black Diamond Customer Service

    The American consumer generally understands that things can go wrong and is amazingly forgiving IF a company makes it right ( repair/replace ) in a timely, efficient and effective manner.
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    Black Diamond Customer Service

    The service you received starts at the top. That`s how you assure repeat business and excellent word of mouth leading to new customers. Great customer service AFTER the sale is key .
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    The importance of Made in USA

    God bless. Semper Fi, from another vet. Unfortunately, we`ve sold so much of our soul to China....and Malaysia.....and Vietnam......and India, etc., etc. that I seriously doubt that this country can find its way back to what it once was. It`s no longer the country we wore the uniform to protect...
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    Looking for a new 223. Need help

    My apologies for lumping you in with one time ,drive by posters asking for advice then never coming back after others take the time to respond. Just a pet peeve of mine and seen it too many times.
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    Looking for a new 223. Need help

    I don`t know. Maybe? Probably not. Just an observation. What do you think? Maybe the guy just had stuff come up and can`t post?