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  1. T

    Best caliber and bullet for African Hunt

    So, am I correct in my thinking that most fenced hunting areas in Africa will have a variety of animals, some, if not most, that are not native to that particular area and environment? If indeed that`s accurate, how do they manage those animals? Or do they just put out limited numbers on an " as...
  2. T

    My girlfriend got bit by a raccoon this evening…

    Yep, I`d say the chances are good that that`s a sick coon. They`re not usually aggressive.
  3. T

    Best caliber and bullet for African Hunt

    A fair point. There are still places in America where you can hunt game that isn`t confined in some way. Can the same be said for hunting in Africa in the current day? I ask that question as someone who`s totally unfamiliar with African big game hunting, mind you. When I think of Africa I think...
  4. T

    Best caliber and bullet for African Hunt

    To your last statement, I`m sure that`s true. Again, it`s just one guy`s opinion FWIW. It sort of smacks of being " guaranteed ". And in the interest of complete honesty, I can`t claim to have ever done that kind of "hunting" before. The nearest I`ve come was one ( and there won`t be another )...
  5. T

    Best caliber and bullet for African Hunt

    Just one person`s opinion, mind, but that`s not "hunting ".....just " shooting ". Why not just tie a rope around their necks and stake them out?
  6. T

    Best caliber and bullet for African Hunt

    " High fenced " ? Does that mean that mean that the animals are fenced in a large enclosure or something?
  7. T

    First elk hunt. What cartridge should I use?

    Wait....What? Why isn`t the new Rokslide darling, the .223 with a 77grain TMK listed?
  8. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    No argument from me in your case. Too many people just buy a gun and learn " on the fly " . No instruction. A prescription for a catastrophe for sure.
  9. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Happens every day. I think most cases, as opposed to ignorance, are a fulfillment of the old adage, " Familiarity breeds contempt. " The things that can prove fatal if that adage seeps in are just about limitless.
  10. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    As a general rule, the dark and human beings don`t mix well.
  11. T

    Mammoths ....... in Yellowstone?

    That`s it in a nut shell.
  12. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    That doesn`t at all sound like fireflies ( " lightening bugs" in the South. Haven`t seen any in many years unfortunately. ) . St. Elmo`s Fire possibly?
  13. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Well, while certainly an unusual encounter, there`s far worse things they could be doing, I suppose. A little more bible reading and praying wouldn`t hurt, although the Big Guy ( the REAL Big Guy, not Biden ) said something about the advisability of praying in one`s closet instead of making a...
  14. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    You`re not kidding it`s cheap insurance. For me though, it`d probably serve as the backup to the rifle I`d be carrying! Night around a campfire by yourself? Man oh man! I`d be wishing for a set of claymores with accompanying trip flares! So....I`m a ninny!!
  15. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Oh man!! Freakazoid!!
  16. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    I can`t for the life of me fathom someone going off into back country/ deep forest unarmed. It just doesn`t compute to me, yet there are those who will grab a backpack, couple of hiking poles and head out completely defenseless. I have a SIL who will do that and if you were to even hint at...
  17. T

    Hello from Shenandoah Valley VA

    That`s some pretty country. Welcome.
  18. T

    17 HMR vs 223 as a trainer

    What round were you using on the rabbit? If I were hunting edible game, I would try diligently to get my gun to shoot CCI`s Gamepoint round. It`s a soft tip bullet as opposed to the ballistic tip or hollow point that will indeed blow up what it hits.
  19. T

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Good `ole trichinosis ( Trichinella spiralis ). None for me, thanks. Took too much microbiology and parasitology in college! While we`re not at the top of their menu, I always got the impression that they enjoy eating us more than we do them!
  20. T

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Not exactly on topic and no desire to hijack thread, but for those who hunt big ( grizzly, brown ) bears on a " regular" basis, what does one do with a big bear after shooting it? Being from the deep South, I`ve never known anyone who hunted them. Can you eat them? Are we looking at strictly...