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  1. Aaron-in-CO

    July Iron Will Giveaway

  2. Aaron-in-CO

    July Iron Will Giveaway

    K2 knife
  3. Aaron-in-CO

    July Iron Will Giveaway

    K2 knife looks great!
  4. Aaron-in-CO

    July Iron Will Giveaway

    K2 Ultralight Skinning Knife looks sweet!
  5. Aaron-in-CO

    OnX Font Size Adjustment?

    Yeah, looks like you won't have much luck in the phone apps. There's no specific setting within the apps and changing general phone settings doesn't seem to have an effect on the app. If you're looking to adjust font size while using OnX on your computer browser, you can hold "ctrl" and hit "+"...
  6. Aaron-in-CO

    Strange reaction to baby wild turkeys. Happen to you?

    I just bumped into a hen with ~10 poults at about 3 yards last weekend for the first time. Really cool experience and those poults definitely blended in. A few ran towards me, and I had trouble seeing them just a couple feet away on an old two track. If there were actually hundreds of poults as...
  7. Aaron-in-CO

    Spring scouting elk

    Hi all! New Rokslider here. I just moved to Colorado and will be going out for elk for the first time this year. The current plan is third season (Nov. 12-18) OTC rifle. In all of the reading, watching, and listening about elk hunting that I have been doing for the past year or two, I can’t...