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  1. Bobrobheimer

    Death Hike/ 3 day Softrock100 - Hiking video

    Here’s a video my buddy made of our (in my case attempt) of a 3 day Softrock100 hike - this is the Hardrock100 course. Stats definitely put it squarely into a death hike category though for me there wasn’t too much mental suffering other than deciding to stop and spare my knee for my rapidly...
  2. Bobrobheimer

    Peax Duo Headlamp impressions from Cold Bore Challenge

    Thanks for starting this!
  3. Bobrobheimer

    2024 Cold Bore Challenge Q&A Thread

    Thanks guys for putting this thing on! I am excited to have won a head lamp and thankful for the reality check to practice more in mountainous terrain!!
  4. Bobrobheimer

    2024 Cold Bore Challenge

    Wanted to call my MER 500yards (Day 1 shot was 506yards due to natural location variance) Defiance AntiX in XLR, 20" proof, TB ultra 5, NF NXS 2.5-10 300wsm shooting 180gr CX at 2750. Hiked a 10" plate in and then hiked to an adjacent finger ridge. Used backpack as front rest and a light...
  5. Bobrobheimer

    Ultralight optics... spotter vs image Stabilized Binos

    Your experience with the Vortex matches mine.
  6. Bobrobheimer

    Ultralight optics... spotter vs image Stabilized Binos

    How would you compare the mini razor hd to the Mavin? I have the razor and don’t love it and my buddy has the Maven but I haven’t looked through it much though my initial impression was that I definitely preferred it.
  7. Bobrobheimer

    CO Mosquitos

    I grew up in CO and lived in the mountains - basically never saw or got any ticks as a kid. The last several years my dad who still lives there picks up quite a few ticks every spring. The area burned in a fire about 10years ago and so the habitat definitely changed. Might be that or just that...
  8. Bobrobheimer

    Ultralight optics... spotter vs image Stabilized Binos

    I have been thinking when I replace my little angled vortex spotted eventually that a straight spotter would be better for this same reason. I glass with my binos and then check stuff with the spotter primarily.
  9. Bobrobheimer

    Ultralight optics... spotter vs image Stabilized Binos

    My buddy and I split a pair of the pervious generation of zulu6’s in 16x thinking they could replace a spotter and tripod for certain hunts. They could and they do work very well - BUT I don’t enjoy looking through them for even mildly extended amounts of time and their clarity and light...
  10. Bobrobheimer

    Elk and Deer hunting with 10 and 12 yr old

    This is so impressive to get it done like that with your boys! I have an 8 year old and hope 4 year old and hope we can find some success like that in a few years!
  11. Bobrobheimer

    Cold Plunges?

    This is the article I had read:,and%20the%20'diving%20response'. It won’t stop me from taking a full dip in an alpine lake but for a daily cold plunge I am fine keeping my head up.
  12. Bobrobheimer

    Cold Plunges?

    I did a daily cold plunge for all of February this year and have been doing them off and on since (if it’s cold enough) don’t have a chiller yet so for February it was more about keeping it from being frozen. Definitely woke me up and seemed to help with recovery from running. I like the...
  13. Bobrobheimer

    Sold NL Pure 12x42

    Let me know if you're looking to sell a pair of NL pure 12 x42s
  14. Bobrobheimer

    2024 NRL Hunter schedule

    I shot my first NRL hunter match (first match of any kind) in Laramie WY last weekend and it was a total blast even with the less the ideal weather conditions we had on the first day. Made some dumb mistakes that I learned from and can’t wait to try another one next year. I didn’t use my...
  15. Bobrobheimer

    Co Senate Panel Rejects Polis..

    I used the Howl link to send a message to the senate. Everyone who can should do the same! Deadline is end of day tomorrow!
  16. Bobrobheimer

    Ever Used Your Sidearm While Hunting?

    I dug into this question a few years back and found that these two studies used all over the place to “prove” that bear spray is more effective don’t prove that. They were done separately looking at the effectiveness of each in isolation and the author stated they weren’t meant to be compared...
  17. Bobrobheimer

    2024 NRL Hunter schedule

    Likewise! Just did a little shooting today and practiced a mock stage of sorts - definitely have work to do as I was much too slow.
  18. Bobrobheimer

    Colorado releases first 5 wolves

    Most of the CPW officers standing by looked pretty grim about it.
  19. Bobrobheimer

    Ultralight Bipod - Arca Direct Fit

    I haven’t used either of those so I don’t know how it compares.