Recent content by WoodDuck

  1. W


    Bitcoin is independent from banks/government in that it is a permissionless network. You can send bitcoin where you want and when you want without approval from a third party. If you break the law the government can seize your assets, which would only include bitcoin if they find your private...
  2. W

    Real world 410 range for turkey

    My wife killed one last year at 55 with .410 and TSS #9. Range limit was supposed to be 40 but she misjudged. Ethical range is going to be pattern dependent. I remember reading that theoretically TSS 9s will penetrate 2” at 70 yards at ~1200fps muzzle velocity. The smaller shot has lower...
  3. W

    Smallest full framed turkey gun

    I only have 1 year experience with the .410 and #9 TSS, with 3 turkeys between my wife and I. Prior to that it was always 12 gauge and #5 lead. I had never seen turkeys that didn’t flop after the shot until those 3 birds last year, all stone dead. Shot distances ranged from 20-55 yards (not...
  4. W

    Washing game meat

    Lots of good opinions and info in here. Curious to hear more on how folks are handling game birds, as it sounds like those are getting the wash treatment more often based on comments so far. Growing up, we would wash all birds (ducks, pheasants, etc) and throw them in a bowl in the fridge...
  5. W

    Washing game meat

    Do you wash your game meat? If you do, why? I understand trying to clean up blood shot meat or anything that has gut matter on it, but I have family and friends that wash all wild game under running water after processing or before cooking. In my experience, this causes it to water log and...
  6. W

    Lowa Tibet at Sierra, $129

    Thanks to this thread I now own 3 more pairs of Lowas than I did 2 weeks ago.
  7. W

    Remington TSS Turkey loads 12 and 20

    I’ve noticed the pattern in my .410 is sensitive to a dirty barrel. Would suggest running a bore snake through between shots.
  8. W

    Multi Pin Sight Setup for Elk

    HHA optimizer with three .010 pins at 20, 30, and 40. Whole site housing slides so bottom pin is 40-80.
  9. W

    Remington TSS Turkey loads 12 and 20

    The Browning .410 TSS is on sale as well, I just ordered more. My wife and I killed 3 turkeys last year with the 13/16 #9. We’ve always used 12 gauge with copper plated lead in the past, but I’ve never seen turkeys die without flopping until last year with the .410. I’m sold on TSS.
  10. W

    Who travels for turkeys?

    None of my hunting family/friend group travels for turkeys besides a relatively short drive in our home state, though that’s probably because we are blessed with a good number of birds, multiple tags, and ample public and private access. I don’t consume much for hunting social media besides...
  11. W

    Who travels for turkeys?

    What general region are you referring to? I would love to hunt birds in the west some day, but realistically this is a long weekend trip for us, so I’d like to keep the drive under 8 hours. That limits us to the Midwestern states.
  12. W

    Who travels for turkeys?

    My wife and I love to turkey hunt and typically buy 2 tags a piece each spring for our home state, but have never traveled out of state to hunt them. I’m considering trying to draw a tag for a long weekend hunt in a neighboring state this year as a fun adventure for us. Since nobody I know does...
  13. W

    How much water do you carry in your pack ?

    For day hunts I have a 2L bladder plus a 32oz bottle with electrolyte mix of your choice added.
  14. W

    Bino harness for Maven 8x30 B3 binos

    I’ve been using the Marsupial small size pouch for Maven 8x30s for ~6 years now. Flip forward is a must for me, and the Marsupial is low profile. If you use a compass regularly, get the non magnet version. If you don’t use a compass, I do prefer the magnet closure to the elastic version, but...
  15. W

    And - how about gloves for a very cold pheasant hunt?

    I think “too cold” is entirely dependent on the breed and specific dog. I have a small female lab, and she showed no signs of slowing down or losing body temp on those cold days chasing pheasants (excessive shivering, laying down, whining and not hunting). I have seen these things with her...