Thanks for dropping by...
Who am I? Lot's of things... Hacker, Security Expert, Farmer, Biker, Hunter, Fisher, Inventor... Among a few.
By day I literally break into things for a living. About 20 years ago I combined my Special Forces, LEO and technology skills and started doing penetration assessment work that includes physical, social and technical. I love what I do and it makes me better at what I love - HUNTING (and Fishing)!
I love to hunt elk in Montana, and would like to hunt them in some other states.
I love to hunt whitetail deer, and am learning how to on the east coast on public lands. I am definitely in the learning mode.
I want to learn to hunt mule deer out west. So far I have not been successful (albeit I have not focused on them).
I love turkey hunting but so far its Luke 1 Turkeys 3

I want to hunt antelope, but haven't gotten a tag yet (only tried Montana).
My next hunting ventures I want to develop skill with and learn are:
- antelope
- mule deer
- black bear
- wild hogs
- yotes
More so, I am trying to shift my hunting focus to bow hunting more than rifle hunting. In some ways rifle hunting has gotten too easy (I shot a lot in my life and it is rare I miss). Plus I am learning bow hunting is the best way to really learn how to hunt, how to hunt a species and how to be a better outdoorsman.
I always appreciate insight and guidance.