Recent content by Spud82

  1. Spud82

    pack weight

    Racer00 I get it. Had a buddy leave his side arm behind on an archery hunt because he wanted to go in fast and light. Had a bear charge him. Lucky for him, it stopped at 40 yards. He won't do that again.
  2. Spud82

    pack weight

    Wow. That is a lot of weight. 5 days early season archery I am under 50 lbs.
  3. Spud82

    Daylight Savings Time is Here to Stay

    I can't imagine it not getting light until after 8:00 in the morning. Being a morning person it will be interesting how my body reacts. Probably will just blame anything on old age though. Lol
  4. Spud82

    Elk 101 AK hunt

    Have not had time to watch it yet but you got me fired up to do so. Need to fit it in this crazy week.
  5. Spud82

    Who ate the most tags last year?

    Washington seasons are short and this last year my time was shorter. 1 archery elk 1 rifle deer
  6. Spud82

    Photography- one photo a day

    Summer on the Palouse
  7. Spud82

    Mystery Ranch Metcalf as a carry on?

    After reading the responses, my next flight will include my carry on metcalf. Strap it on and go. Much better than anything else in my mind.
  8. Spud82

    My Puppy Ate My Caribou Skull

    Sorry to hear about that. Would not be happy to say the least.
  9. Spud82

    Yet another noobie question

    Have a buddy that does the chest freezer. Seems like a good option but I just go cooler. For me the cooler is simple.
  10. Spud82

    Kids first vehicle……

    72 Ford Maverick. $1215. Dad loaned me his credit card to fill it up the first time. I had spent all my money.